Top Affiliate Marketers – Hidden Secrets of Top Affiliate Marketers
Top affiliate marketers the hidden secrets
behind the top affiliate marketers in this video. I'm going to show you who are the top affiliate
marketers in the world. I'm going to show you their faces their names
and how much they make I'm also going to show you the hidden blueprint that is using to
sustain a solid affiliate or online marketing. Yes, and I'm going to give that to you on
top of that. I'm going to explain everything about it. This is not a make a belief people. These are real people that you can actually
lookup and also you can copy but the good news is I'm going to show you exactly what
you need to do to copy them. And I'm also going to give you the blueprint
to go with that. And don't worry. I'm not going to try to sell you a course
for a thousand or two. In dollars, I'm going to show you all this
for free. All I asked you is to subscribe drop alike
and make sure to share this video.
So in case, you want to have a long-lasting
online or affiliate marketing and I'm talking about a solid business, I'm not talking about
making a product and selling it and then later on try to find out how you can actually make
it work. No, this is a solid business if that's what
you want. That's what you need to do. Mark Daniells here and I want to welcome you
here. This is gonna be an epic training and we're
going to be talking about top affiliate marketers. We cannot talk about the hidden secrets of
top affiliate marketers and this is a very important to you. The reason for that is you're not going to
see anything close to it on YouTube or even paid courses. There's a lot of reasons why but I'm not going
to go through that now.
I'm going to go ahead and talk about the objective
div of this video and so you'll be very clear about it. Now. This is designed for people who want to build
a multi-million dollar solid business Empire. This is not for people who want to or an affiliate
online marketers who want to just get a product and just sell it and then expect that hey
things are gonna work out. So just want to make sure that you understand
that point because it's very important. Now a lot of people when you watch Maybe YouTube
videos and things like that. They try to show you that. Hey, the only solution is their product. Well, this is not true because the wheel has
been invented.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel because
I'm going to share with you a lot of Secrets and a lot of important information that a
lot of people don't talk about or they just don't know about I've been doing this for
12 years and many of the people that I'm going to Show you people I actually know and let's
go ahead and just tell you a little bit more about that. The best way to do it is actually to copy
the top affiliate that is the top affiliate marketers in the world. They've been doing it and the one that I'm
going to show you they haven't been like One Night Guru that got rich and now he's gone
these people still operating and they're doing very well because they do have a solid business,
but I'm going to show you how we build that.
Business for it to last now by all means these
are not what I'm about to show you. They're not the only people that actually
disclose their how much they make there's many others that they don't want to know of
course, I'm one of them. people sometimes are private and they don't like to share some
information. So all you have to do is copy the top affiliate
marketers. This is not just for people that already have
a business going. No, this is even for people Who are starting
or affiliate marketers for beginners beginners they need to know exactly what the goal is
for you to accomplish the success that you need online and you need to have that goal
and I'm going to show you exactly what the goal need and just a little bit here.
So before I do that, I want to just share
with you a little bit about the people that I'm going to be talking about and the people
that I'm going to be talking about. Out are probably you already know maybe you
don't know but the reason I pick these people is very simple
because they know what they're talking about and they've been around for a long time. For example. Alright, let's talk about John here. Now as you can see, he makes about 490,000. This is per month guys. This is per month. This is not per year. This is per month. My friend Pat. He makes a hundred and Seventy-Six. This is just not everything the pat Flynn. I'm not going to go through all of them. But these are just monthly income. This is not all the money that they make. I just want to make that very clear because
they are some other venues.
They also make money but are we talking here
about affiliate marketing alone? That means selling someone else's product. Through whatever platform that you have and
the next one. I'm going to show you exactly how we build
the blueprint for success and we talk I'm talking about a business that you can have for
a long time again business just like you are buying a business. It doesn't matter what it is. This is what we're going to be doing. If you get this point, if you get this slide
right here, you would know more than 97 percent of the people out there and I don't I'm not
exaggerating at all.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk about this. Now. You have two things here that are going for
you you have value and you have a price again. What do you have value? And then you have a price here's the value
and here's the price you want to increase the price by increasing your value how we
going to do that? We're going to do it in two ways. Now one of them is a continuity type of a
monthly which is produces. The most effective and most of the people
that become millionaires they have residual income residual income that shows up because
they have done one action that could be year two or three or four which I'm still getting
paid for some things that I have done years back.
Why because the people they are still doing
that now you're probably talking about what that could be. I can't tell you exactly what would be because
I don't know your Niche again. If you don't know what niches and how to get
the best Niche. make sure to watch my video. I have a video with a 27 ready to go niches
and I'm not talking about an itch. I'm talking about sub-niche micro niches. You have to have that in order for you to
succeed. Now the one that you see right over here as
far as monthly billing if somebody is interested for example in Digital marketing or doing
maybe selling courses online.
This could be an autoresponder, which I told
you which one is the best one and you can make money off of that as an affiliate marketer. What happens each time that person is a Spain
for his software. The other one here could be a hosting platform
and then other one could be a funnel software. The one that you see up here what I'm going
to show you here. I'm going to show you some really awesome. Awesome way to make money, you're going to
have an affiliate product ladder. Now what I'm going to do and what I have experimented
with and it was very very successful is this first of all, you would sell them something
that is not that expensive give them a product that they can relate to but one thing you
have to keep in mind that it depends on your Niche.
So whatever you have here as far as monthly
income. This is very powerful because you can increase
it I was going to show you the numbers but I don't want to get you confused. For example, if you sold 50 for example autoresponder
and then the next month is sold 60 so they accumulate and they start making more money. It depends on what you're selling. But there is a correlation between what you
are selling right here as far as the product and the monthly because this supposed to support
this otherwise, it would not work. So that's why you need the mic. UNH now the other thing that you need to do
is after a while the ready for something different because right now they go I benefited from
that and that's why I have you know how to start how to succeed in affiliate marketing
video that I have on YouTube because I don't want you to fall prey for something that
is junk.
Okay, so you would sell them something a little
bit higher now after that what would you do you? Tell him something even higher here's of course. These are like I have them here as like money
representation here is like of course cheaper than this and this one right here cheaper
than this and then you would go back again for something even higher now, you can even
go higher than that if you want to that's would require a little bit of Knowledge from
your part, but if you are selling for example, Some of these you don't have to have I would
recommend you starting with to when you start right here. Then you will add more than you would at the
same time with you would be like pursuing and I told you where to go and what to do
and how to find the best product with one click of a button in case you're not aware
that please make sure to go and I'll probably put it in the description as far as the video
is that you need to have knowledge about so Everything right here again. I'm going to say it again because I don't
know what your Niche is.
But whatever you selling these are continuity
which is produced residual income and that residual income could be fifty thousand dollars
a month every single month for things that you have done in the past, but it's not going
to happen overnight. It's going to take some time. But at the same time, you are doing two things
because you want to have more like a portfolio of business and I thought that when I used
to have my consulting company, this is what I used to kind of like, tell the businesses
exactly what they need to do. You cannot depend on one thing and most of
these affiliate marketers they are depending on one product or maybe two and they go back
and forth and they don't have this because you need to have a continuity. You need to have a residual income that is
coming every single month.
So make sure you understand this and make
sure that You are familiar with all the information that I have told you before and I have taught
you before because I have taught you a whole lot of stuff the stuff that I have in
my YouTube channel. It's worth a lot of money and some people
telling me why you given all the stuff away. Well it just because I want to but it's very
important from your part to let me know that this is helping you.
Otherwise, if it's not helping you I'm not
going to continue to keep doing that. Okay, this is exactly what you need to do
with this is what the top Affiliates do and they understand everything that we talked
about. You have to be a connector. Never sell any product. You not a and the product selling you are
in the solution selling when you start thinking about that and when you start thinking that
this is a business, this is not a hobby.
This is something that you are building your
business on like I mentioned before and if you still Member my teaching I told you what
I told you to never ever depend on a power of 1 now, you know, why never depend on the
power of one and that's why people are successful people are not when you listen to what I'm
saying. So you become successful because are you depending
on one product The Power of One? Basically, it's like I already have maybe
one job and this is one income.
I look at it. hell with the Job, it's an income that you
are producing. But you got to have something on the other side. You got to have something different and nowadays. I don't you …should not trust the
companies. You should start doing your own business on
the side and start to build it slowly until you reach the point where you don't need anybody. You only need yourself. So you don't have the power of one. There's a lot of power right here in this
slide if I hope you understand it. I really do because I am giving you a lot
of information. Formation that will help you in your Endeavor. So if you want to know everything about affiliate
marketing, all you have to do is check out this playlist up here.
And if you want to know more about strategies
about how you can actually grow your business watch this video right here. I really hope you enjoyed this video and if
you did, please subscribe drop a like and make sure to hit that notification button
and share this video as usual. I'll see you at the top..