Make Money from Google with NO WEBSITE? [Affiliate Marketing 2021 Hack]

– Making money from Google
with absolutely no website. Today, I'm gonna go against
some of my core principles that I've been showing you guys, which is, I always talk about building a list, but this time I'm only showing you this affiliate marketing hack that is working really,
really well right now, which is basically, how do you make money through affiliate
marketing by getting ranked on Google with actually no website, just by applying these principles. (bright upbeat music begins) Hey, this is Peng Joon here and today in this very video, I wanna walk you through some
of the things that we found that is working really well just by utilizing these few sites. In fact, we're going to head
over to my laptop over here. Let's take for a second,
a competitive keyword.

Now, most of the time, when people try to rank
on the search engines, what do they normally try to do? They try to rank for
a competitive keyword. Let's take, for example, if you wanted to promote a
specific platform or tool or software, for example,
let's say ClickFunnels. If you were to try to rank for a keyword, like, how does clickfunnels work? Let's take a look. There is about 1.65 million results and you will see that from this
result that I'm looking at, if you try to rank utilizing
the traditional method, notice that it's going to
be extremely competitive. However, notice that on the first page, there's also two main
things that's happening. Number one is search results
that directs you to YouTube. That's number one. And number two, take a
look at this one over here.

You'll see that there's a
result from this site, Quora, which is a site that people
love to use to ask questions that Google absolutely loves. So in other words, Google
sees it as a huge authority. So rather than trying to
build this site from scratch, what if you could lend and
borrow quora's authority? Let's take a look at this. This question that is on quora is on, does anyone use ClickFunnels.
Is it worth it? Now this ranks on the first
page of Google for the keyword, how does ClickFunnels work? This number one result
on quora for this keyword has got seven upvotes. Now what does quora use to determine which to rank number one? Two things. Number one would be the
quality of the answer. Out of all of the answers,
I believe that out of…

There are 27 answers. And the number one answer
is this answer here, with seven upvotes. Why does this rank number one? Well, notice that uses
bold, uses bullet points. So it's easily digestible. Sometimes some of them
might even include images like this one over here. Think about, how can
you format your posts? How can you add bullet points? How can you add images? In some cases, utilize videos. Now this one here, it looks
like the video link is broken. The question then is how
you look for more articles like this, because this is just one. This just one question on ClickFunnels out of the many questions
that is posted in quora.

That brings us to our second resource. And by the way, guys, that's why if you were to watch
till the end of this video, you're gonna really start seeing how you can get this competitive
edge, slight sidebar. If you like videos like this one away, where it's a lot more tactical in nature, then let me know in the comments, let me know what type of
videos you'd like to see. Give me a thumbs up. It does help the channel out a little bit in terms of the algorithm (bell dings) and make sure you subscribe to this channel for more
videos like this one. Back to this example over here. The next thing that I do is I utilize this site called Ahrefs. This is a paid software, but you can easily get the
trial, utilize it for seven days, do all the research that you need. I think there's like a $1 trial. What I do is, on Ahrefs,
I will type in What I will do next is, on this step, I will type in the keyword
that I wanna do that research. Let's say, I wanna promote and
be an affiliate for Shopify.

Now I'm doing a search
and I'm waiting for them to give me the results of all
of the different questions that is posted on Quora about Shopify. Take a look at this. What if this gives you
clarity on number one, the different keywords and content that you could be utilizing
and creating to rank for, because you know that
there's a demand for it? But at the same time, what if you could go into
all these different links which are really the questions
that is posted on Quora that is getting visibility, that is recent so that you can start helping these people answering their questions.

And what you're really
doing then is from Quora. You're sending people either
to your link or your website if you choose to. I know that the whole theme of this video was how to get ranked and make money off affiliate
marketing, no website. It could be a website, it
could be your YouTube video. Notice what I'm doing right now. If I were to utilize this example, notice that I am going to
Quora and before I go to Quora, what I'm also doing is I'm
doing my keyword research and this is through Ahrefs. And then I am looking at
all of the different posts that is on Quora. Let's say there could be 1000
questions posted on Quora. I wanna look at how recent they are, how many searches are there. So I know if it's hot, then it's worthwhile for
me to create content. I wanna look at how many comments there is to give me a rough
gauge of by competition. I wanna look at the ones
that's being ranked number one for these different questions. What do they have in common? Do they have this specific theme
of how it's being answered? Are there these bullet points that seems to appear over and over again? Does it link to a specific video? In order to give me a really good gauge on what it's proven to work.

What constantly ranks number one? What is the recurring theme? I'm getting all these different
data in here right now, so that I can go in and
give a really good, concise, detailed reply with good
formatting and once I reply, what am I gonna do? I am going to make sure
that I get my upvotes in so that it gets pushed to number one. Once that happens, the purpose of that is to send people to the next step and this is where if you
wanna build something that is longer term, this could be a website where
you get their name and email, and then you build a list and build a relationship to your list and then eventually promote
an affiliate product where you monetize. That is how the longer route is, but more sustainable because
now you're building a list or you could even send them straight to something that is yours. This could be a YouTube video.

What if right now the
thing that you're answering is on Shopify? And remember you're coming in here and they're all these
different Shopify keywords. Shopify 60 day trial, shopify exchange, oberlo versus shopify. What does this tell you? This tells you that you
could put eventually create a YouTube video that answers
this keyword in real detail. So for example, let's say this keyword is called Shopify versus
Oberlo, which is pretty recent. What would I do? I will create content that
answers this question, which is Shopify versus
Oberlo and my call to action, I can have a hyperlink that says I actually created a tutorial
that answers this in depth, called Shopify versus Oberlo
and guess what happens now.

Now, I'm able to ride on quora and in my YouTube description, in my link, what do you think is going gonna happen? What's gonna happen is a couple of things. Number one, because this is
a keyword, rich, keyword. This is going to be every week, as long as these two
softwares are relevant. I'm now creating an asset that's gonna live on
for a really long time but on top of that, how do I monetize? How does this end up in monetization? It would be my affiliate
links for Shopify. In this video what do I talk about? I could give a really detailed
step by step tutorial, and then at the end of it, it would be… By the way, if you still
wanna go ahead with Shopify, right below this video, I've included the link
to sign up for Shopify.

If you would like to sign up
through my affiliate link. Now, you're able to send them over here. Notice that this gives you
really, really good ideas on these different keywords. This could be your affiliate product. Let's say if it's ClickFunnels,
same thing over here. If I wanted to promote click
funnels, what would I do? I go in here, I'm taking a look at all of the different URLs. I'm taking a look at the volume. This gives me clarity on
what keywords to target so that I can send people over
and create a YouTube video and send people to a YouTube video. This YouTube video can also
send people to opt in of which I'm now building a list, which you heard me talk about the importance of building a list in my previous videos on the series.

And then in the follow up email sequence, that is also when I can send
people to the affiliate offer, to the software, to the
product, to the service, whether it's a digital product, whether it's a physical product. This is where I could also
notice that there's two things that are asking of you. It is to do your keyword research. That's number one and number two, to create content around that keyword that people are searching for. Finally, I'm gonna give
you one last resource that I love utilizing, and
this is a free resource.

You don't have even have
to sign up for anything. It's called Answer The Public. In Answer The Public, I
can type in the keyword to see what people are searching for. Now, I can literally
see all of the keywords, how Shopify works. You gotta to tilt your head a little bit. Like how shopify payment works, how shopify dropshipping works, how shopify makes money. All these. Are shopify apps free, shopify theme, shopify plan, shopify… What does this tell me? This tells you your keyword research and what kind of content
people are searching for so that you can create
content that targets this. This also helps you create
and rank on YouTube, that is going to appear on Google. Now, you're no longer required
to create your own website and try to rank utilizing
the traditional method but rather to leverage on
authority sites like YouTube, like Quora and siphon traffic visibility, and reach off to either
your own content on YouTube or send people off to an
opt in, if you choose to or send them straight
to your affiliate links.

Let me know in the chat below and comment. What is your biggest takeaway? How or if you are going to
be applying these steps. I'd love to hear from you and as always, remember to subscribe to this channel and smash the like button
if you enjoyed this video..

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