Laziest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Strategy To Make $500+ A Day in 2022 (100% FREE)

how about you if you are looking for an affiliate marketing strategy for beginners I am very excited because today I want to show you how you can make hundreds of dollars every single day with this strategy if not thousands of dollars and I am going to guide you through this step by step this can be done on digi store 24 it can be done on clickbank it can even be done on warrior plus and the best part about these strategies I'm going to show you where you can go to get high converting products and all what you need to do is come here copy this link from there i'm going to show you how you can shorten this link with another free software like this one here where you're going to grab this link you're going to copy it then go I show you where to paste this link and you are going to get a lot of free traffic this site gets over 9.5 million visitors every month and look at this majority of the traffic comes from the United States which the t's a great affiliate marketing for beginners strategy but I have got more for you I want to show you how you can make even more money with affiliate marketing their high use
converting email swipe I'm going to walk you step by step through all and show you one of the easiest and slowest ways you can start making money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner so stay tuned because we're starting now so the first step in this strategy guys is to find a product to promote now lucky for you like i said you can use sites like digistore24
warrior plus and even depending on which country you are in and all these affiliate sites guys offer a range of different products from make money online to tech to e-commerce and a whole range of other digital type products depending on what you want to promote or you want to go into
weight loss too so once you get here all you have to do is sign up to any one v an these different types of networks for the purposes of this video I'm going to use and all you have to do is come here and sign up once you sign up it takes you to a page it looks like this and that's what I'm talking about of the categories if you scroll down you can see there are so many different types of niches you can go into today we are going to go into e-business and e-marketing as you know I specialize in affiliate marketing and I love to show people how to get free traffic what is what i'm going to show you on this video i like to show people how to find high converting products that's what i'm going to show you this video then i want to show you how to double and even more money so before we continue with this video i want you to go smash it button in appreciation and let me know below in the comments in 2022 what type of business are you looking to start is it affiliate marketing do you want to do e-commerce, are you allowed like look at freelancer are you looking at starting a youtube channel go to the bottom after you crush it like button in appreciation and let me know what you want to do in 2022 so I know what type of videos to make even more of helping you be successful in 2022 guys so when we scroll down here you can see there are a number of different types of products in order and there are also different types of price points don't be afraid to try some products that are a little is more expensive because you just don't know I mean look at this product here as an example it's 18 this one here is 51 27 and this one over here as an example is 37 now you need to make about 10 sales to earn 370 or make one sale of this product as an example and earn 357 this is why a high ticket affiliate marketing is a great way to make a lot of money but yes you need a lot of traffic but it's good , because if you make two sales then you make 700 plus in a single day e n i want to show you how you can get a lot of traffic from it so let's look at this product here as an example guys so if you come here and click on
this product it's going to show us exactly what it's all about and as you can see it's an affiliate marketing product alright and the best thing about it is when you look at their
landing page here it has a visual sales letter which means it's a visual sales page that you can click here unmute it in your own time look and then the best part here you can see I like the way they structure it sell because you can see he says no credit cards require people go to put their name and their email address and then what's going to happen is they going to be taken over after a free training these are great products to promote and that's why this product does really really well the second thing you want to do when you're on On this page you want to click this affiliate page so you want to open it is when you click on that it's going to bring you to this page and as you can see it's going to show you exactly and give you all the tools you need to be successful in promoting this product it's going to give you even more visual sales letters which I will show you in a second and also email swipe which I want to show you how you can use it to make even more money with affiliate marketing especially if you want a startup to be successful in 2022 and like you can see they have high conversion funnels they have quality training community to help people people will succeed paying it amount of money you can see they talk about their success stories people want to know that other people have been successful with this before the mckay scroll down they have a lot of information on this page showing people how they did what they did make people comfortable that this product definitely works and if you scroll down you can see there are a lot of testimonials from a lot of people who bye e made money using this product and the best thing is when they learn how to use it how to get traffic how to find a product they can promote also warrior plus product digital 24 clickbank etc then from here what you guys have to do is you have to enter your email address in your name address and your clickbank id and click on to join the fun what it's going to do is give you all the resources and tools you need once you fill out it's going to take you to a page that looks like this now when you finish that you entered in your
clickbank id so when i entered that you can see here this is my clickbank id here it's very important because when you start promoting it you want any sales to be credited your click bank account is fine so of course you can then transfer that money to your account you can also transfer in painting it's all up to you so it's overturning the first visual sales highlight eling of visual sales letter that you can possibly promote you can see it 's a high converting vsl this is one here 's another high converting vsl and you can look and see which one you 'd like to promote so if we take a
look at this one here let's come to a brand new page here and hit enter it's going to show you exactly what it is so it's pretty much a copy of the first one we just saw so if we close it if you can come over here and copy it and see which one you would like to promote you can very easily come here paste it and see what this one looks like and I think it's going to be a replica of the one we saw so if they used this one would highly recommend that you use
this one too and I especially like it no credit card needed here so if we close it now what we need to do is we need to copy it okay we need to shorten this link so let's come over we copy it and I'm going to show you how to best shorten it place to go shorten these guys is now come to a site called you can sign up with bitly absolutely for free so they can track your link links you can track exactly and see how it works for you how many clicks you get and how many sales you get get if you don't want to sign up and you don't want that information it's up to you it's also free to do all you have to do is come here paste this url in here and click on to shorten and it's going to give you so nice shortened link so you can copy that link the reason you copy this link is because people don't like to see a long
link and a lot of the time those links don't become not allowed so now I'm going to show you where we go to get this free traffic but before I do that when you come back to this affiliates page and you scroll down they don't just give you these two links they scroll down can you see they got high conversion of email swipe I'm going to show you how to double with this strategy and how you're going to use this email swipe to make possible even more money online and I have banners if you're looking for ads etc but we going to focus on free traffic ok guys so from here what you want to do is you want to come over to this website here called now I've created videos on this before they've changed some of their terms and conditions so I want to show you how to do it legally in 2022 with a link on answers and make sure you can monetize all the traffic you're going to get like I showed you in the intro guys they're getting over nine and a half million people clicking or go on this site every single month and if you come here and look at this more than 57 of that traffic is coming from the United States and as you can see that is growing and a lot of traffic is coming over from the United Kingdom and Canada India, so ' some very good countries that guys click on g on on to looking for different types of answers and I want to answer the looking for questions that need to be answered and that's how you're going to convert that into sales so what you want to do when you're on this site is you want to log in and you want to create an account for yourself once you sign in you can do it with your gmail account what you want to do once you're signed in is you want to come here and see where it says settings you want to pre click settings you reply any questions here that you need to ask create your own a buyer you need to set up your own account so you come here and you click on settings once you click on settings now I've already done a lot of this stuff you want to make sure that you know you've verified your email address you've done all the
things you have to do there from there you want to come here and you want to click on to go to your
own profile it's really really important now as soon as you click on to check
your own profile that will happen you come here and you want to click on edit and as soon as you click on edit what I did is I stripped mine right there so you can see how it's going to look now of course I'm using smart money you can come here and change this image you don't need I just have an s which stands for my initials but you can post a
picture of yourself you can go to pixels and find a money image if you want it it's totally up to you then this where you're going to add something here in your bio with that little link so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to paste in exactly what I would have here you can only have up to 160
characters here as you can see I have 153 so learn the secret to making money with affiliate marketing this training helped me make over 5000 a
month and you can also click here and this is the little link here that we shortened when we pasted that url in here is that little link ok so you come over put it in there then click on to save it's on your prof now iel it's updated if you can see anyone who's going on go to your main profile here to see from there what you want to do is you can simply click on answers again here and you can type in different types of questions that you want to post answers to and what it looks like is something like this you can type in how to make money with affiliate marketing and you are going to find all these different types of results and as you can see not a lot of people answer these different types of questions the beauty is what answers that you can also come here and you can add your own questions and you can also answer them ask yourself, for example how to make money as an affiliate so all you have to do is click on that question scroll down guys and if you can see you can answer this question so come here and click on it and this is what's going to come up I'm going to show you the type of answer you can put in here what's going to drive traffic to your bio link right guys so I just quickly typed what we're going to have to post within h the answer and it's something it's very simple what you want to talk about the question they all asked i did is i came and i did making money online as an affiliate marketer can take a lot of work if you don't know where to getting the right product and the right traffic because you're going to lead them into this product that's going to solve a lot of these problems for them you're writing something like this are the exact issues that many affiliate marketers face or that you may have faced yourself and then you've found a great
training that's going to help them get started that's going to help them learn everything they need to make money online with this product and then you tell them that you've put a
link in your bio for them to click on and then from there you just have to hit submit as soon as you press send in guys that answer is now going to be pasted on
this platform and as you can see if we scroll up here guys that is the answer there will now be many people coming over here and they will already mad go to your buyer what they have to do is come here and click on that guys as soon as I click on that it will bring them here and if they copy it as you can see go to link or go to here as soon as I click on
that guys it's going to transfer them straight to this product now i promised you there are other ways to make even more money with this use if you come here the high link email swipe now to use this high converting email post swipe instead of using bits to shorten these links you want to start doing is using an email marketing software as an example something like there are many different types this is the one I use and the reason why i use it or why i started using it is when i first started online i needed something that would be absolutely free if you come here and click on prices it takes you to a page that looks like so and for the first 300 e-posin designers it's absolutely for free and the best part of this is you can create if you scroll down here you can create unlimited landing pages and forms and the landing pages is a simple landing page where you can tell people to click on it enter their email email address and they're going to get access to this product that we're promoting today and if you see here guys you can also send out email ok this is an awesome tool guys where you can then come here and use all these high converting email post swipe so what does what looks like once you sign up to this so once you sign up and you register like I said it's absolutely free I 'll have a link in my description for once you sign up you can come here like you can see you have these landing pages now as soon as you click on
these landing pages it takes you to a page that looks like this guys and it's so easy to customize everything you have to do as an example let's say we wanted this landing page above select here you'll click to choose what it's going to do it'll take you straight to here where you can easily customize it so instead of saying get my free e-book now all you write is click to get the free training to get to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing guys and then over here you can type what you want to get inspiration from the product that you are promoting like you would easily get inspiration from this product or you can come here and look at everything they have on here is their landing page and get inspired to create your own simple landing page
and then you just need to come over here and change all this writing here and type your own very simple landing page then here's everything you need to to do is just something like type in
click to access or enter your
email address to access and then overview where it says sign up today if we click on that and scroll up to the top when you get here to settings and you scroll down here, you would pl bait redirect to an external page when you click on that that's where you would enter that url for that product and when someone enters their email address you're going to click that email address then it's going to offer them to that redirect and then once you come and you start collecting all these emails address guys that's then where you can start sending out emails of
different products like this product let me look at this what do they give you all the subjects you need plus they gives you the whole body of the email and then you'll enter the link for that product email marketing is super powerful and when you get a
lot of clicks on your products you want to make sure you're collecting these leads that's exactly what I'm doing when I come to my broadcast over here you can see that I'm sending broadcasts all the time because I'm collecting leads with all the different affiliate marketing products that I'm promoting I'm constantly collecting leads and I'm retargeting and many of these people with different types of offers this is one of the best ways to double down on making money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner and you can do the same in 2022 so this was my affiliate marketing for beginners tutorial that is going to help you to set everything up to make a
lot of money online in 2022 but if you guys want to do something even more and start your own website you can set up in less than 10 minutes click on this video right now guys this is going to help you promote multiple
products to make more than 500 a day high recommend clicking on this video here right now if you haven't seen it get that setup today so you can absolutely crush it in 2022 until next time you take care of yourselves and goodbye

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