How to Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing (Step-by-Step 2024 Guide for Beginners)

hey what's up guys in this video I want to talk 
about how you can make money online with affiliate   marketing and I think this is just an incredibly 
important topic because a lot of people have no   idea about it I talk to many different people 
throughout the course of each day and a lot of   the work steady 9 to5 jobs which has steady 
good income but they have no idea of what's   possible and when I show them the possibilities 
of how people actually make money online and that   it's possible it's not a scam people are shocked 
they're absolutely shocked because they have no   idea that it's possible because nobody teaches 
them how to do this in schools in universities   right you're only taught how to be a lawyer how 
to be a doctor you know how to be an accountant a   finance manager whatever nobody teaches you nobody 
shows you that there's just unlimited potential   to make money online it's all down low right and 
so in this video I just want to open your eyes a   little bit and show you how you can actually start 
in half an hour or so so build your own site just   like that and start making money online I want 
to show you kind of the map right the road for   how you can do it I've been doing this for the 
past 7 years when I started I had no idea this   was possible I thought it was a scam it actually 
took three times of close people telling me about   this for me to even say okay let me look into it 
and when I finally did I I fell in love with it   I saw that it was possible and now seven years 
later you know I have my own channel I have my   own site I have my own courses and I've been 
able to travel the world while working online   just last year I got the ClickBank Platinum award 
which means I made over $250,000 in sales from   an affiliate Network which I will get into later 
on in the video but I just want to show you that   it's possible and I'm going to show you exactly 
how to do it as well I've built over hundreds of   different sites landing pages spent lots and lots 
of money doing so and what I want to show you here   is what I would do if I were to start from zero 
okay this is what I would do what I'm about to   show you here now make sure you guys stay tuned 
to the end of the video because every single part   that I'm going to mention is absolutely important 
you don't want to miss anything because you need   every part to build your site and then actually 
correctly promote it okay so hang on with me and   I'm going to show you everything I'll take your 
hand and make sure you understand everything as   you watch behind my shoulder are you ready let's 
get straight into it so the first thing you guys   want to do is head over to go.

Evon iner 
now what is this this is a website where you can   have a hosting plan and you can buy a domain so 
you'll buy both of them so that you can create   your website because that's the first thing we 
have to do is build a website and then I'll show   you how you can actually monetize it and make 
money with it so right now I am actually in South   America so what you want to do if you are in North 
America or whatever country you're in is click   here on the top left and select your language 
in my case it's easier uh to understand things   in English as well and right now there is a black 
Friday sale going on they have certain discounts   like for the business plan it's it's a little 
cheaper and they have 3 months free all right   so now is a good time the month of November to get 
started with it and what we're going to do is just   click on claim deal so again just to reiterate 
we're going to buy this hosting plan and a domain   to create a website and then what I'm going to 
do is show you how to actually find different   products to promote and put it on your site so you 
can actually start monetizing all right so here   are all the plans I usually go with a business 
plan because just for an extra dollar a month   you get a lot of new features you get increased 
performance you get more gigabytes of storage   you get free ecdn which makes your website load 
faster you have WordPress AI tools which is like   a built-in chat gbt so it's just so much easier so 
much um more efficient and yeah any of these plans   come with a 30-day money back guarantee Almost 
100% server uptime I haven't had issues in my   three or four years that I've been using hostinger 
uh they have incredible customer support not the   robots like some apps or some websites it's 
actually real legitimate good support and if   you want to learn more you can just click on SE 
all features but we're just going to go in here   and we're just going to click on add to card so 
here you can choose the plan so with this option   here you do get 3 months free if you choose uh the 
fouryear option right and then if you scroll down   a little bit you'll see the price so for 4 years 
you're only paying $167 so imagine that your whole   business is good to go for 4 years for only $160 
so that's really good you can choose any of these   other PLS if you're still uncertain if you want 
to try it out I don't suggest that you quit your   job absolutely not that is one of the things I say 
absolutely do not do but you need to do this as a   side hustle until you're kind of more comfortable 
and until you see you know results pick up but   don't quit your job don't put all your eggs in 
this and say this is it this is what I'm going   to do full time so if you're a little uncertain 
maybe we'll go with a 12-month plan and over   here it's only going to cost you $53 so for a full 
year you're good to go with your business for just   about $53 of course you can buy more stuff you 
know but um this is what you need to get started   so what I'm going to do I'm just going to log 
in because I already have an account uh and then   we're going to go into the payment detail options 
all right so I went ahead and logged it in so what   you can do is you can now just enter all these 
payment details I do also offer a discount code   so if you come in here it's around 10% additional 
discount or so so if you just put in IvanMana you   click on apply you're going to get another 3 to $5 
off or so yeah so you got about another $5 off so   that's amazing so for just $48 you have everything 
you need for a full year so what I'm going to do   is I'm just going to enter in my payment details 
here and then I'm going to see you on the next   page all right so I went ahead and submitted the 
payments so we're going to now be redirected to   the control panel and from here on is where we can 
actually customize the site and start building out content so we're just going to fill in these 
kind of blanks we're just going to click the   buttons to keep going down until we reach our site 
creation process so we're going to click on create   new website CU that's what we're doing you can 
choose any of these options I do have a video   where I show you how to build with hosting your uh 
website builder which is amazing I I really love   the Builder comes close to my favorite Builder 
which is on bals you can take a look at that video   I show you how to do it it's a little easier more 
beginner friendly however this WordPress with AI   option has more choices uh has more customization 
options available so we're going to go with this   option so that I could show you the full picture 
and then over here you can enter your password to   log into your WordPress account so what I'm going 
to do is just enter something here like that and   then we're going to click on continue and we're 
not going to save you can install plugins plugins   are like extensions that help you with certain 
things on your WordPress site so we're just   going to leave that out for now we we're going 
to deselect everything and click on continue and   you can choose a theme here or we can say skip 
I don't need a template and I'll show you what   to do later so over here we can use hosting your 
AI to kind of help us create our site so we can   say brand name depending on what we want to make 
a site for which is something um I will get into   as well but normally I'd recommend making a site 
for something you're good at something you have a   passion for so that you have the momentum right 
and the energy to keep going and keep building   out content let's just use my example affiliate 
marketing guide right so we'll say affiliate   marketing Mastery boring but we'll go with that so 
I do offer a free affiliate marketing guide on my   site so I'll say get your free 55 page affiliate 
marketing guide and learn how to make money online   so let's suppose we want to make a Blog right cuz 
that's what we're doing we want to make a website   with blog that we can keep adding content for we 
can click on continue and now we can claim our   freedom domain right so we get a free domain here 
with hostinger I do definitely suggest you use it   otherwise your domain is going to look pretty ugly 
like this so we're going to click on select you   can enter a domain let's say something to do with 
affiliate marketing and by the way I do strongly   suggest that you go with aom domain they just 
do so much better everywhere paid ads SEO has   a bigger trust factor to it so let's say Ivan 
Mana affiliate for let's see if we   can the domains available call so we're going to 
just click on continue we're going to select the   domain and now it's going to register the domain 
so we're going to give it a few seconds and then   we should be taken to our main hostinger control 
panel from where we can change things around and   we can also go in and actually customize our site 
so I'm going to give this a few seconds I'll pause   the video and then once it this reaches 100 once 
the site is done I'm going to see you guys again   all right all right there you go so we can now 
edit our panel or we can go uh sorry we can edit   our website or we can go into the control panel to 
kind of adjust some options and settings for for   the site in general so let me just show you what 
that looks like here so don't worry about that   this is the Black Friday deal that I was telling 
you about where they have a special extra discount   so here's our site uh we can also set up a free 
email we have the web hosting we have the domain   um here is where you would go in to edit your site 
now file manager if you are more knowledgeable in   coding and things like that you can enter the 
you can access the file manager here and change   things around you also have the file manager 
over here you have the website over here the   SSL certificate is under security so our plan here 
does include a free SSL certificate so this should   be available sometimes within 5 to 10 minutes uh 
in which case it will log us out uh other times   it could take up to 24 hours okay oh there you 
go it's already installed perfect so even less   than 5 minutes so that's good so we can go back to 
dashboard and now we can go in and access the site   so I can show you actually how to customize it and 
how to start uh putting out block posts right so   we can go into admin panel here and you can log 
into your site via hostinger quite simply or you   can log into your site by clicking the site here 
and then at the end of it typing in WP admin and   then if you go here you will be able to log in by 
using those login details that you put in earlier   right right now we're already logged in uh but do 
you remember those uh the password and the email   that you set earlier that's where you would enter 
to log into your site this way alternatively you   can just do it via posting which is easier for 
me so here we are this is inside our WordPress   dashboard so congratulations you have successfully 
created a website and this is what it looks like   like okay now we can go in here and now we have 
to make it prettier we have to make it nicer but   congratulations cuz you've taken the first step 
so over here hostinger is just giving us kind of   tips suggestions for how to make our site better 
but we don't have to worry about it I'll show you   how to do it I do encourage you to go through the 
settings here first and just familiarize yourself   with it nothing too special but just for example 
uh your date format your time format if you go   into I believe it's writing let me see where it 
is or maybe reading one of these options here yeah   discussion here so you can play around with all 
these options and you can you know allow anybody   to post or you can get emails when somebody posts 
or if you want to force people to register before   they post things like that you can do that here 
you have all these options here and by the way   if you want to change your username as well to 
what you want it to be so for example I don't   want it to say this whenever I make a post right 
so instead I'm going to come in here I'm going to   say edit I'm going to enter my nickname as just 
Ivonne instead and then I'll be able to select   it from here and now whenever I make a post that's 
the name that's going to show up it's not going to   be that ugly Ivon Mana is just going 
to say ion which is just much nicer so the first   thing we're going to do is let's add a theme to 
our site right make our site look a little nicer   then I'm going to show you how to add posts and 
then I'm going to show you where to actually go   to monetize it how to get good uh like affiliate 
products that you can promote so these are some of   the themes you have but not enough so we're going 
to click on add new theme and they just have so   many options here like look they have 6,000 here 
for the popular under latus they have like 12,000   yeah so you can choose any of these themes if 
you like you can go on Google and say what are   the most um easily customizable themes right for 
beginners and usually they'll give you some ideas   like for example I believe Astra is one of them 
is one of the easier ones for beginners Astra they   have I think neev neev or something that's pretty 
easy as well yeah NE this one so they are a little   easier for beginners but normally I'll be honest 
if you do want to like really go in and make the   minor very specific edits you usually have to 
pay for like a third party um extension like   optimized press is what I like I have separate 
videos showing how to use that if you want an   alert otherwise you can edit within WordPress 
okay so it's still free you don't have to pay   for anything so uh n this one so we can preview 
it see what it looks like looks pretty good right   looks like this we'll be able to change the uh the 
image and things like that so we can go ahead and   we can click on install so take a look around you 
know find anything you like you don't have to type   in Nev just go through any of the 12,000 different 
themes and we just downloaded the Nev one so where   did it go now we cuz we have to activate it now 
after we installed it so here it is so now we're   going to install it I guess we didn't finish 
installing it and then we're going to activate   it right uh this station folder already exists 
okay so looks like we already installed it so   now what we're going to do is let's go back into 
themes and it should be somewhere here right here   and then now we can activate it and now our site's 
just going to look so much better right so we can   come back in here we can right click to open a 
new tab and it doesn't look amazing yet okay but   we can we can customize that we can make it look 
a little nicer so we have theme file editor again   if you're more uh familiar with code custom code 
things like that but we're just going to go to   custom customize over here and let's just change 
some things around go back to the main site let's   see yeah so we should be able to add a header 
image every theme will be different okay so don't   look at this and say okay this is exactly what 
everything's going to be like everything will look   a little different but over here for example if 
we go to header right let's suppose we like that   header that was at the top we're going to click 
on header um click on style let's see if there's   an option uh maybe like a header image so we're 
looking for an option that says like you know   image or something like that container sidebar all 
right so I was able to find the spot for the image   that's over here under header Main and by the 
way if you want to have additional options you   can get the pro version same as with most themes 
they offer you kind of advanced customizability   and things like that so I was able to just add an 
image you know just of a dog as a placeholder um   doesn't have to be perfect yeah so you can choose 
kind of which part you want to show by playing   around with these like I said everything will be 
different so I don't want to spend too much time   kind of just going around with these options but 
you can go in and you can play around with it and   maybe try different theme and things like that 
you can also change the capacity which doesn't   look like it's affecting this now so I I've never 
used this specific theme before so that's why it's   a little it's a little odd but that's fine so 
just to show you you know what that's going to   look like you can use the featured image or not 
but looks a little nicer with an image at the top   I think and then you could extend it over here as 
well so I think this one's fine the we width but   the height I think you know something like that 
will look good right so already that looks good   now if we want to change for example this we don't 
want that to show we can click on the pencil icon   and it's going to take us right a way to where 
we would change this so instead of that we can   say affiliate marketing Mastery or something like 
that then you can add a tagline as well learn how   to make money online and that should show up below 
it yeah now this is in Black right so it's kind of   hard to see so we can either change the image you 
know like maybe go to photoshop make it a little   more transparent things like that or maybe here 
we can change the text color let's see yeah there   you go okay so cool in this them we can actually 
change the text you can do that every time make it   a little bit bigger you know something like that 
um yeah but for the time being I would say focus   on just building out content right don't focus on 
perfecting your page my first site when I first   started 7 years ago sucked right now it's a little 
better right now it looks more professional but I   had it change two times right first it was just 
horrible it was just like like even worse than   this and then I changed it and then I changed it 
again so just yeah keep in mind like things that   you should focus on so you can go in and you can 
just play around with these things you know the   color of the background you know you can go dark 
mode which actually looks kind cool you can go   base you can add a custom palette so you can go 
in and just manually change these things up and   then these are basically the color palettes for 
different options right so yeah um play around   with it if you know CSS this is where you would 
go in at some things that you can't edit this is   where you would actually make the changes for that 
so that looks good so let's click publish okay so   as a starting point I think we're good that looks 
pretty good to me so now I think what we have to   do is go in and actually write the blogs right 
we have to write the content that's how you make   money so we're going to close out of that and we 
can do that with two ways one is via Pages here   the other one is via post so pages are like the 
big Standalone Pages like for your contact us page   you know privacy policy terms of use things like 
that whereas the posts are more of your blogs so   in this video I'm going to focus more on the posts 
kind of to give you an idea for how to actually   start making money how to start monetizing your 
blog um but then with Pages you just basically do   the same thing you come in here you say create new 
page same as you do here and then you just write   whatever the Standalone page you want to me like 
contact me amount me things like that so you can   select any of these block posts and kind of edit 
them and uh we can see what's included or you can   create a completely new blog post maybe use chat 
GPT to help write something nice but I'm going to   show you how to actually monetize what you already 
have and what the idea should be right so what is   affiliate marketing why choose it yeah so this is 
kind of cool so we can use this as a sample post   that will'll use to monetize again I do suggest 
that you go with something that you really like   okay because then you'll have the energy to keep 
building out content where otherwise you won't   really have the energy to do so if I wouldn't 
have loved affiliate marketing when I started   if I wouldn't have loved computers I would not 
have had the energy to do it for 7 years because   my first year or two I didn't make very much 
income I made my first sale after about five   or six months and then I started getting regular 
kind of uh money coming in after about a year a   year and a half but that wasn't enough it wasn't a 
lot it was like $500 $1,000 a month you know which   was enough to keep me going but uh not enough to 
kind of pay all my bills right including mortgage   and things like that so how do you monetize this 
okay let's imagine that you you wrote a new post   or whatever right like if we go back you can just 
click on add new or you can add new with AI which   is pretty cool as well so uh this is basically 
like chat GPT in in in here and hostinger will   basically write your own post for your hostinger 
and WordPress together but for this video we'll   just go to edit so you have to first look for 
some products that you like so start with that   so you can go in like let's suppose you have a 
gaming channel right you can type in GameStop   affiliate program and here they have an affiliate 
application okay so this is called affiliate   marketing and every most companies have affiliate 
applications they have an affiliate program so you   can go in here and you can just sign up so you can 
click on it for oh I I I can't because because I'm   in South America but basically here it says you 
know it's easy and free there's no charge so you   just go in here you sign it like you put in your 
details your email your name things like that and   then you'll be able to create an account out and 
then you can use the link that you're given on   your site and I'm going to show you how to do that 
now another option is the Amazon affiliate program   this program is really cool because you can 
basically sell anything right with the   associate Central you sign up very easy process 
you can promote anything that Amazon has any   books right any product like over here affiliate 
marketing we're talking about that maybe you can   promote some online courses or something like that 
actually I don't know if Amazon has online courses   but basically anything related to affiliate 
marketing maybe camera right Amazon sells   cameras maybe a mic maybe a computer that you can 
sell because for some people that maybe want to   make videos related to affiliate marketing that's 
what they would need and so you can go to Amazon   Affiliates you can find those products and you 
can promote them now last but not least the other   option is uh affiliate networks such as ClickBank 
so ClickBank is a kind of an affiliate Marketplace   which has a bunch of different products and 
you can go in here and find products based on   your Niche so what I'm going to do here is I'm 
going to log into my ClickBank account and I'm   going to show you what that's going to look like 
on the inside and how you can find products and   then we'll go and I'll show you how to actually 
monetize your site all right so stay tuned okay   so here we are in my ClickBank account which 
is something that you'll see if you're brand   new so what you're going to do is just click on 
Marketplace over here after you sign up and it   doesn't have to be ClickBank right it can be any 
affiliate Network like Max Bounty Digi store can   be ClickBank anything you can just go on Google 
and type in you know affiliate networks then we   can click on this magnifying glass right away 
to see the top converting products so these are   some of the the most popular products right 
now usually to do with weight loss right so   weight loss how to make money online and dating 
and relationships are very very big niches very   um saturated now you can go in here and you can 
choose your category so over here right any of   these so in our case it's affiliate marketing 
maybe business and E marketing maybe business   investing we can go in and click and see products 
related to that so if we click here we're going to   see old products related to this one so life chat 
jobs that's kind of cool so we can promote that   get paid to use Facebook Twitter and YouTube okay 
so these have to do with make money online that's   the point okay so the point is find something 
that's relevant to what you're promoting what   your site is about our website here is about where 
did our website go to you know your path to online   success how to make money with it so we're going 
to find products related to that so for example   this one let's see if we can right click and see 
what this site will look like so Find Your Perfect   online job okay so I have no idea what this is I 
don't know how good it is but let's imagine this   is the product we want to use what you're going 
to do is click on promote here and you're going   to click on create hop link and this is going to 
be your link okay so this is your affiliate link   so if you give this link to somebody and they buy 
you will make on average $67 for that one sale you   can go through and find other products right just 
because a product pays you more doesn't mean that   it's harder to sell same as just if if a product 
doesn't pay you as much doesn't mean it's easier   to sell it's going to vary so find something 
that you like maybe find maybe go through these   products find something that maybe you've tried 
before that you think is good and then you can   go in and create a hop link so in our case let's 
suppose this is our link we're going to copy this   link and now we're going to take it back to our 
site now how do we use this how do we monetize   it well what you can do is for example over here 
let's say we wrote about how to make money online   well you can say here another point maybe PS want 
to make money by offering live chat support this   product here gives you that option and then you 
can either say click here to get started click   here to learn more or you can just make that 
sentence before this one the product here gives   you that option you can underline it and put 
a link there but here we can say click here to   learn more all right and then we can do that and 
then we can select this link and we can put the   link there and we can open it in a new tab as well 
we can click update okay and then we can do this   product here as well we can come in here edit link 
we can put it here we can open link in a new tab   boom okay so now when people read this and when 
they click on any of these they'll be taken to our   affiliate link and then if they buy we're going 
to make a commission commission mother okay so   that's how affiliate marketing Works guys that's 
how all these people on YouTube on Google that's   how they're making money and they're making a lot 
of it too let me let me assure you you know it's   not it's usually much higher than like a regular 
9 to5 job will pay you and you're self-employed   so you can go through this and you can take a 
look at other offers let's suppose uh what is   this let's look at this offer and see how this 
one will make sense exclusive fore trading okay   so there's this master class right so we can go in 
and we can promote this one for example and now we   can come back to our post and we can say how about 
want to learn an exclusive three-step formula that   Marilyn Holmes used to generate $5,000 per day the 
more specific your numbers are the more believable   it is that's why this number is so specific 89 
per day click here to see the free web class so   maybe this part we can bold control+ V click here 
to see the free web class we can come in here we   can paste it here so what I'm giving you guys is 
the idea right this is how this works this is how   affiliate marketing Works basically you can do 
this via a website you can do it via YouTube you   can do it via Forum posts whatever but a website 
is usually the best method just because everything   is in your control it's in your hands nobody can 
shut down your website like maybe YouTube can shut   down your your channel you know God forbid so 
these are the examples right The Ultimate Guide   to affiliate marketing this is how you do it it at 
its core so let's click on update let me show you   what that's going to look like let me close out 
of some of these tabs and let's do that so we've   we've updated I believe so we're going to click 
on new post here and this is our post okay so it's   called The Ultimate Guide to affiliate marketing 
success so let's go back to home and let's suppose   somebody reaches your homepage and then oh they 
see this post they want to click on it they want   to read on it and then they read read read and 
then they see oh live chat support this product   here okay what is that oh this exclusive Master 
Class okay let me learn about this boom click here   open a new tab if they click if if they watch the 
whole thing they fill this up they buy guess what   you're going to make a commission you're going to 
make those $60 or so right if they go over here   and they click here and they register and they 
buy you're going to make $200 or so it's just   like that right it's as simple as that that's how 
you do it so you can keep writing more posts and   you can keep adding a PS or maybe at the bottom 
here you can say PS hey you read all this here's   this cool shortcut you can use you know this cool 
program you can use whatever now this applies for   affiliate marketing if you're teaching things to 
do with health you can show people hey this is how   you lose weight and then here are some books that 
can help you here are some diet plans that can   help you here are some trainers that can help you 
right that's how you do affiliate marketing guys   at its finest now we can spend hours going into 
much more detail for all these different options   that you can do you know how to optimize it how 
to send traffic to it I do invite you to actually   if you want to learn more to check out my website 
at Evon where I offer you a free 55 page   of affiliate marketing guide on how to make money 
online with affiliate marketing how you can get   started exactly how it works and then I offer 
training courses which go into much more detail   into all of this how you can actually send traffic 
to your site you might have to pay for this well   you will have to pay if you're running paid ads 
to send traffic to your site but if you want to   kind of get results faster this is an option 
alternatively you don't have to pay anything   you just keep building out content and Google is 
eventually going to pick you up via Google SEO   and that's a topic for another day there's just so 
much we can cover here but this is how affiliate   marketing works and this is how you guys can make 
money online okay so I hope this video was helpful   for you like I said check out my uh website check 
out my YouTube channel at Mana where   I have over 600 videos at this point just showing 
you many different ways to make money online and   how you can succeed and just different tips 
tricks you know some case studies things like   that that is all for this video thank you guys 
for watching I will see you in the next one

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