How to make money fast with
affiliate marketing? Alright, now, I want to teach you some of these cool
strategies. None of which include the following, going to the gym, posting a selfie and putting
your affiliate link down below, or anything of the like. I hate that crap, I do want to teach
you though how I have gone and made more profit in less time with my affiliate strategies. We've
been pretty unique on the internet, let's dive in. Now, affiliate marketing is definitely
a piece of my business. It's actually not the core of my business though.
I have my own products.
I have my own services, my own lines, my own. But I use affiliate marketing for a lot of list
building and a lot of quick cash grabs. If I need to go dump money into another project and
it's been really awesome. It's worked really well over the last three years pretty organically.
I've made almost $600,000 without really any my involvement about
$2,000 a week is about where it is. Which is not bad. It ends up paying for a big
portion of my business costs during pandemics. During things that were happening. It was cool it
was just the steady eddy thing that kind of kept the doors open and my employees fine. So I'm going
to teach you these next few principles, not really in any particular order. But these are some of the
ways that I do make affiliate marketing profit rather quickly. This even worked when I was brand
Now, this has happened several times. I like to promote a lot of click funnels products, a lot
of Russell Brunson stuff. I'm very picky about what I promote, I would take that as a first nugget
there as well by the way. Be picky about what you promote. I was going in and I was coming out of an
event. We run a lot of events and basically click funnels reached out and said, "Hey man, like you got
some organic sales here. If you do a little bit of a push you might be able to place in this big
competition that we're doing and you might be able to win a trip.' So I was like okay cool let
me go try this out here and I went and in three days ended up placing in a really big affiliate
competition and while everyone else was promoting over 30 days.
So it's actually really cool, boom.
Now, how did I do that? The way I did that, this is the very first thing I did is I went and I
grabbed some whiteboard space and I sat down and I looked at the product that we were promoting and
I started asking a really key question. I want you to ask the same. What are the problems that what
you're promoting creates for somebody? That's it. Answer that question, try to fill a whiteboard full
of problems that your product is giving somebody, is creating for somebody. Now, if you're like,
"See, that makes no sense." I totally get it and I've used this example before. But like take the iPhone
for example, we got this really cool solution from Steve Jobs but he also handed us a whole
bunch of problems. How do we turn it on? How do we make a phone call? All the things that you first
thought of the first time you ever held an iPhone. How do I do this? How to do that? Like, "Oh man Steve,
I gotta buy new headphones." He's like, "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna give you some headphones in the
box.' "Man, I gotta go buy a new charger." "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna go ahead and put the charger
in the box." "How do I actually do that?".
"Don't worry about it, we have a genius bar you can ask any
questions." He was solving follow-up problems that he actually gave you when you bought the
phone. Same thing is true for whatever you're promoting or planning to promote. You're actually
going to give people problems. Now, it's not a bad thing but the value of being an affiliate
marketer, like I'm teaching you now, comes from this. I list out all these follow-up problems and then
I just choose 2, 3, 4, 5 that are easy for me to solve but are also really valuable for
the end-user and then, all I do is I take those things and I give them away for free if they if
they buy through me. Now I have a unique offer. So this is a big key thing to understand here.
It means, that I get to be unique in a sea of everyone being the exact same. Everyone's
selling the exact same product but I have a different offer.
They all have a product, I turned
my product into an offer. Products and offers are not the exact same thing at all. Actually, they're
very different. So, everyone's selling a product I saw follow-up problems and made mine an offer.
Now, that's one of the big key secrets. Now it's happened multiple times now because I have
these cool offers built around whatever I'm promoting. That I've placed in a lot of affiliate
competitions without knowing it. Because I'll set it and forget it and leave it and walk away and
it's so good. People talk about it and then Walter, "Hey Steve, you want another affiliate competition?",
"Oh, I didn't know you're having one", and that's not the two to our own horn.
It is to illustrate
that this principle is very powerful and works. Alright, for this next principle I was coming
off of actually it was in between two sessions. I was doing a three-day event teaching for four
hours a day, it was a lot man. So there's a two-hour session, a two-hour break, and another
two-hour session. I get off of this session and I'm teaching, there's all these people and me
get off this basically, a stage it was virtual. But it's off stage. This was a virtual event, this
one we do a lot of in-person ones though too. Basically, my team goes, "Hey, do you want to
promote this thing? You got to promote it by I think midnight tonight?". It's like, "I'm trying to
get my next sessions together. Are you kidding me?". "Alright, let's go for it baby.' So we did. So I
went and we created this little tiny offer around what this big affiliate competition was
going on. I ended up making like 75 grand from it, it was nuts and we did it in an hour and a half.
Super fast and it was because of really this next principle and I've talked about this before in
the past.
But it's so key to understand this. One of the easy, the reason why I pushed so hard
in between sessions teaching for that long which is very exhausting. It's because I didn't want
to miss the wave. What's the wave? Often we talk about markets being oceans. It's a
red ocean, it's a blue ocean. You probably have heard that phrase before, red ocean blue
ocean. Well, think about an ocean there's waves, oceans are not stagnant and a marketplace is
either growing or it's shrinking, and whenever there's this big push from a lot of influencers
in a marketplace, it creates somewhat of a wave. You ever been on the internet and people will not
shut up about the same thing and there's so many people talking about it? That's you experiencing
the wave.
When people are all collaborating together to talk about the same thing. Now, not
all waves are created equal. So you have to understand the easiest way to make a lot of money
with affiliate marketing is to make sure that you time what you're promoting, when everyone else is
also promoting it. You in essence catch the wave and the wave pulls you faster than you could
probably push yourself. It pulls you further than you probably have power to. Think about this, like
when when I promote something from Russell Brunson, he's got 400 employees. 400 employees that's great,
I have four alright. We've got 400 that's nuts, that's super crazy. He's got 400 employees,
they're all talking about it. He's got professional copywriting teams man. I have like me
and like one other person. So, his firepower is so much larger than mine and the same is true for
you most likely if you're watching this.
So what I do is when he the best wave to catch is when
the product creator does the push and then all these other affiliates get on and now this thing
has gone from a wave to a freaking tsunami. I don't want to miss the wave. I'm going to get a
list faster. I'm going to sell harder. I'm going to get way more money much quicker. I told you in the
beginning of this, I'd teach you how to collapse time. This is one of the ways to do that. Catch
the wave, that's why I was like we got an hour and a half for me to do. Let's do an affiliate
promotion and I hauled and I did it and because of that, I made 75 grand. I've done the same
type of thing without the wave and we'll make like 7 grand.
It's significantly less.
This is one of the best and biggest hacks. If you're like, "I don't have money to pay for ads."
I didn't use ads to do that, I just caught the wave. If you like that, you'll like this third principle here.
Before I dive into it though, I would love to know, first of all, hit like and subscribe. If you
wouldn't mind hitting that bell will actually go and it'll hit a little notification for each
new video we put out.
We typically put videos out almost every day. I would love to know in the
comments though below, what is the most legendary internet launch you've ever experienced or heard of?
The most legendary internet launch you've ever been a part of ever seen or now that you have
eyes for what I'm talking about. You're like, "Oh, that was a huge campaign." Super fun especially
when you start learning of catching these waves. But the biggest one you've ever seen down below.
Alright, for this final principle it actually, you need to understand something about the
nature of affiliate marketing. If I go sell $100 product and I'm a 10% affiliate. I made 10 bucks,
it's not that much money. The real money comes from what you do after you promote something
and so, some have called this second money. Some have called, there's a lot of names for it.
Ascend, alright, you have gone out and you've done a push, you timed with the noise, you've timed
time with the wave that was created by all these other influencers, people larger than yourself and
you caught the wave, you got people coming on in. So you made money fast for sure.
But I actually
don't really take that money as profit usually. I actually just usually take that money and
I'll dump it into ads for my main product. "So Steve, you're not for VC funding?". Like, No, I'm
actually usually, for the most part totally against VC funding and things like shark tank. But I still
do the same type of effect. I just don't give away parts of my company for doing it. I have all the
equity in my company and the reason is because I treat affiliate marketing like VC funding. I go
and I do a big push. I do it organically, I ride the wave, I pull money in and I use that to fund
my projects and products. Does that make sense? So the second money aspect is actually where
you make the most of it. It's when I use, it's been my experience anyway. When you use affiliate
marketing as a list building and seed money collecting engine. Not the end, it's a means to
the end and I go and I ascend people to the real product that's mine 100 commission this time.
Does that makes sense? It's so much better and when you do it that way and by combining my products
with strategic affiliate marketing promotions. That's been the fastest money for me in affiliate
It's been very fast list building and then you dump that attention into your own
product. Some of these principles have been very theoretical, they might feel that way. If you
want some actual tactics, I have a free mini-course for you. Go to super
funny, lost some people on the following for that that domain. Go to
and it will teach you some of the actual tactics of pulling off what I'm teaching and
it's totally free. I'll see you there..