what's going on guys in today's video
I'm going to show you step-by-step how to create your own affiliate marketing
funnel so you can make money on line now I'm going to assume you know what
affiliate marketing is but just a little recap and same method where you go make
money online by promoting someone else's product and I'm going to show you how to
create an effective funnel that you can use to do this and you're going to get
this funnel for free you are going to get the funnel that we create in this
video and everything that comes with it and you can download it and use this
yourself on anything you like so we're going to jump in guys we want to show
you how to do this but before we do that I want to kind of explain what a funnel
is how it works because a lot of people don't really understand they seem to
think that a funnel is just 2 3 4 5 pages or something like that
a funnel is where you take someone or something traffic and you take it
through a sequence of events and then at the end of that sequence of events or
and all around inside that sequence of events you make money so this can mean
pages emails and stuff like that so in this video I'm going to show you how to
collect an email and I'm going to show you how to have an offer so you can make
some money and I'm also going to show you how to do 2 emails so you can make
money with the emails as well now this is a nice general affiliate marketing
funnel setup that I'm going to show you how to do right now step-by-step this is
the only video you're ever going to need to watch on how to set up an affiliate
marketing funnel so smash that like button guys if you want to learn more
about funnels don't forget to subscribe tap that notification bell and we'll
jump in and I'll show you exactly how to create an effective funnel to make money
online with affiliate marketing now guys before we jump into this we are going to
be using two programs to do this you will need a funnel building program I
use click bundles and you can get all my share funnels I leave them all below so
you can go and get them with this program the next program I use guys is
called get response which is an email marketing platform or leave a free trial
for that below the reason I use two separate programs Geysers because click
panels is for funnels and get response is for email marketing so I'm going to
show you how to set all of this up right now okay so those are the two platforms
we use but how do we go and get this started so this is click funnels in the
backend guys and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be
using a product from our website called Clickbank okay and I'm going to show you
how to set it all up and everything out there now this is the particular product
and they have everything we need to get started they have all the emails they
have the links and stuff like that but best of all the reason why I like this
product guys is it has a book that we can give away to people for free so this
is the book right here called the unspoken truth of affiliate marketing
you can download this book and give it away to your prospects for free which
was really really good so what we're going to do now guys is go through and
show you step by step on how to actually do this I'm going to give you all the
emails for free and stuff like that so the first step is to sign up to
Clickbank and go and get your accounts and just go and let's get that started
and well we're gonna be doing guys is promoting a product called the CB
passive income so let's go back to click funnels hopefully you're signed in or
you can use another program if you like but click funnels is what I use I'm
gonna go and click Add I'm gonna go to click funnels up here and go to build a
funnel and I'm actually going to sorry go to here add new or same way I'm gonna
go create a new funnel now what I'm gonna do guys is you you would have
already had my funnel that you can import so it'll all be done for you but
I'm gonna go to create a custom funnel and I'm gonna name this YouTube CB demo
okay this is a demo funnel that you can download and build the funnel the first
thing we need to do guys is create what we call an opt-in page or a lead magnet
where we go and click someone's email so we can go and promote more products to
them so once you have created a step this is called a step you'll come to a
page like this now I already have this set up and you will have this setup as
well but the reason you want to start from scratch guys I mean click funnels
has heaps of different pages you can use and stuff like that but I've been doing
this for such a long time I know what works and what doesn't work so I'm going
to go and collect a select the template that you're going to get access to and
you can use and and we'll see what it looks like in a second guys but this
template is giving me a 75 around about a sixty to seventy-five
percent conversion rate so that means for every 100 people I sent to this page
I'm getting around about sixty to seventy people give me their email which
was really good the standard in this industry is about thirty to fifty at
best okay so this is the page here it's really simple nice and clean note and it
is rinsing like that and it works extremely well so let's go and edit this
page and then we'll go and do some connecting and stuff like that and
connect everything up so to do that guys you just click Edit Page okay and what
I'm going to do is we're going to be giving away a free book for example okay
so I'm going to edit this and go free free Oh we'll go we'll go free marketing
report now I'm just doing this on the fly guys free marketing report and just
go down and see if you get some information on here the unspoken truth
of internet marketing so I'm going to put that in here get odd I'll just type
this out and come back alright guys so I've quickly just put that in download
the unspoken truth of internet marketing in 2019 and then 100 percent free
download copy and paste book or something right so I don't know what you
want to put in there and then download now now setting up the page is quite
simple you just simply go and edit these sections here and you've got desktop and
mobile so make sure you change it on mobile as well and then we have the the
desktop and you can also add elements by going to add element okay and you just
dragon simply just drag things in so that it's really easy guys it's not that
hard at all but more importantly you have to connect the get response auto
responder to this page so how do you go ahead and do that well it's actually
quite simple first of all you want to basically go and create a get response
account or some sort of other into our market email marketing platform and you
want to simply sign up and then you'll be in the backend that looks like this
you want to go to lists and you want to create an email list so just go create
an email list I've already created one but when you create one guys you just
put in your list name and that's it so this is going to
be the list where we send people from our opt-in page okay so create a list
once you've created a list guys you want to go into clickfunnels let me just save
this and go back and show you something you want to go back and click funnels
and go to here and go to integrations and then integrate give response with
the click funnels there are instructions on how to do that once you've done that
come back to this page guys and go to edit page okay
and we're going to now connect our list to this so I'm going to go to settings
integrations and go to autoresponder integration and then click integration
and get response remember I've already done this you just go to the
integrations on click funnels and they're training on how to do it it's
easy I don't need to show you that and then go to action guys and go to add to
campaign and then down here add it to one of your lists okay sweet so we've
added so when someone sign out gives us the email now guys they're going to be
added to our list and then click Save okay now what you want to do now is
there's a pop up so go to popup edit settings and there's a pop up here make
sure you change this pop up as well because when people click on the button
download now this pop-up is going to come up and they are going to put in
their details and it looks like this let me go to preview so if someone goes to
download the book they click on download now a pop-up is going to come up like
this and you can edit the pop-up as well by just going to show pop-up or edit
settings and I'm just going to click Save on this now what we want to do now
guys is we want to create this part of the funnel so I've just showed you how
to create a form where you can clicked an email but now we want to create sorry
add the offer so when people I get you get people's email you send them to the
offer where you can potentially make some money so once you have your
Clickbank account set up you want to go into the Clickbank marketplace and find
a product called the CB passive income for 2019 just click on a business and a
marketing and you'll find it in there and then go to promote and then what you are
do then geysers go – you can either send them to a free webinar so there can be
an Aleve magnet as well instead of going out and giving them a free book you can
say hey come to this free webinar and get some training on how to start a
business online or something like that we're just going to do the default but
that's a great idea guys so you can earn up to $200 Commission by giving away a
free workshop it's literally the best way to get people and hey come and get
this free training so I'm just going to go generate hot links and I'm going to
copy this particular link here okay I'm now going to go back to clickfunnels and
I'm going to get rid of this on the same page where the will you click the email
you're going to go to settings and in general and you're going to go on submit
go to and paste in your affiliate link and then click Save
now watch what happens guys when I put in my email I go to download now I put
in my email I go to get instant access and what it does is it now automatically
takes me to that particular offer where you might make some money okay so that
my friends is the first two steps in this and this will all be live guides
you can download it below so we've now created a simple page you can click the
email and we have also redirected them to the offer product where we can make
some money now we need to go down and create the emails it's really the guys
this is so easy to do and then I'm also going to talk about traffic at the end
of this training so you can go and figure out how to get traffic and make
money with the specific track traffic so how do we make the emails guys super
simple so we've created this we've created this step let's go back so we've
created this step I will added it so they get transferred to the other page
now in get response we have all these people coming in to our list what you
want to do now guys is go to menu and go to automation and before you do anything
you want to upload your automation emails so these guys actually have
emails that you can use I have done the of taking them and editing them a little
bit so you can go and use these if you like okay so in get response guys we
first want to go to automation messages and we want to create two emails I'm
going to do that and come back but I'll show you how to do the first one okay
this is important we need to create these emails so I'm going to go to
create draft and I'm going to just name these anything okay
make money today you can do your own subject Geisel they have their own
subjects I'm sorry that's not the subject that's the subject I'm going to
name this YouTube demo one and I'm going to go to next you need to create the
messages first before we create the automation on this page guys I'm going
to click create from scratch I'm going to go down to a blank template
and then we have this email template I'm gonna go back to here I'm going to copy
the first email guys okay and I'm simply going to drag in a text block I'm going
to get rid of this I'm going to paste that and here I'm going to change the
font because I like this one I'm going to bring the size down and this is the
email guys and I just put my link at the end here where it says link here you
would put your clickfunnels your clickbank affiliate link so go and
use something like bit neat bitly or a link shortener and paste your link in
here I'm just going to put a random website guys for now if he is
EUCOM elites comm this is my website once you have the link in there guys you
want to highlight it and you want to click on the chain and put the URL in
here so now when people click on that link which is your affiliate link you'll
make some money then guys I just want to go to next step and I've now created
this one email so now I'm going to go and create the second email and come
back and show you what to do with them so you can go and send these emails out
automatically to your lead right guys so what I've done now is I've created two
emails using these emails here that I got from this particular affiliate
marketing program and the products on Clickbank will have an
affiliate page we can go and get emails banners and things like that if you like
okay so that's what I've done I've gone and taken these emails and edited them
because they are a little bit spammy now I'm gonna go back to here guys and I'm
going to click on manage workflows I'm going to create what we call a workflow
now you're going to go to create workflow and you're going to just go
build from scratch okay so this is kind of a funnel guys like it's so it's
really easy I'm going to name this YouTube demo one and I'm going to click
subscribers and on this first block guys I'm going to go to skinny and I'm going
to sorry specific and I'm going to choose the email list that I connected
my form to so that one there so if we go back to here guys and we edit this page
you'll see that that and here I go to integrations I've connected this form to
my Sam funnel contact email list right if I go back to here what's going to
happen is when anyone subscribes they're going to come into this workflow the
next step guys is to go send message and then I'm going to link these together
and click that and I'm gonna go up to here guys and I'm going to click on
draft on the top right then I'm going to find the message that I created which is
down here YouTube demo one okay and I'm gonna click apply now what I'm going to
do guys is go back to add element and I'm going to go down to wait wait here
and I'm going to set this to one day it's automatically set to one day but
it's click on it and make sure go to I click on the box and make sure it's it
two days one day then I'm going to go and send another message guys to those
people and I'm gonna click on this and I'm going to go to draft and I'm going
to go to youtube demo 2 which is the second email that I created and I'm
going to add that in now I'm going to click Save and publish
okay so now this is live guys when someone goes and let me just go back to
here and go to automation when somebody goes and puts their email in we should
get some leads into our workflow and we can automatically send them emails so
let me just test that and we'll see how it works so I'm gonna preview this page
guys and I'm gonna go to download now I'm gonna put in my email I'll put in a
random one because I do have this email already in there I'm gonna go to get
instant access and it sends me to that upsell or that offer straightaway right
now I'm gonna wait a few minutes and then come back because it takes a while
to get into the get response account alright guys so now you'll see that on
the down here where it says in progress we have three people I had to put it and
some more emails that it does take a while to come through it takes from
about five to ten minutes for people to get added to your workflow but what I've
done is I've gone and created literally a business right in front of you so what
we did is we women created a funnel and all you need to do is copy this
particular link and you can send people to this and to go out and get leads and
make money once again we put in the email it goes to that page and then we
get the email the person's email now and now we can go and send out two emails
whether it be a week's worth of emails 1020 emails whatever you like to promote
products to give away the free book to go and put your affiliate link in to get
an affiliate Commission so the commission for this particular product
guys you get an average of one hundred and sixty-seven dollars on average
throughout your you know when you're making money with this particular
product so that guy's is is the product that I recommend you promote for this
funnel however you can go and promote all sorts of different funnels our
products sorry offers and things like that but I just want to kind of show you
this because it's so simple to actually set up so below in the description guys
I'll give you a link to this share funnel and you'll get sent the funnel
and you can download it and use it yourself but how do you actually go out
and get traffic to this where do you where do you sit will you go and put
this link so you can get people to sign up and give you the email and stuff like
that well my number one recommendation guys is a website called udemy.com and
you can go and get you basically by traffic and I've been doing that
myself here's some solo ads here this is a new account you pretty much buy
traffic and people you give them your link so let me show you how to kind of
do it this for example say we want to base them off Scott we go to this
particular page and we go and put our link in here and you go Add to Cart and
your purchase and they will send you traffic and you can get commissions that
way now it really depends on the price so you're usually paying you can get 50
visitors for $28 now if we get a hundred visitors guys from fifty three dollars
then and you're using my page that gets a conversion rate of say 60 percent
within out of that 100 visitors who should get 60 percent are 60 people
giving you their email and so you should be able to get some sort of commission
or at least make back your money and more money obviously by purchasing these
with this particular offer the software here actually converts very well with
solo ads which is what these are these are called solo ads another way to get
traffic goes for free is to go and start a YouTube channel and a lot of these
guys put their links in the description to get Commission's that way and build
up an email list case the point of this all is to build up an email list and
make all of your sales you know make some money here you should make one or
two sales here but make most of your money in the email back-end and build up
a huge email list so six months time a year's time you've got 10,000 people on
your email list or 20,000 or whatever and you can go and send out an email
make money I could send an email right now to my course and I could probably
make six figures what I'd have to do like a week's worth of emails launched
but I can go out and make six figures from my email list guys so that's why we
go out and do this and build out these funnels once again the step is super
simple go and create a page like this where you collect an email and then
direct people to an offer to enter this guy's it's extremely easy just click on
it and start editing things you can just you know whatever you like it's so easy
to do guys to go out and do this and I'll leave a link to this below guys you
can download this for free and if you do
want to go and learn how to make more money online or leech some videos and
play this up on the screen you can click don't forget to subscribe tap that
notification bow drop a like and I'll see you guys on the next video you can
grab your free funnel below it's all set up for you plus the emails