hi I'm Topsy heart and in this video we're going to go through top 5 reasons why so many people fail in affiliate marketing the number of people who are drawn into affiliate marketing is growing on daily basis and you are probably one of them after all affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways of generating a full time income online the prophet of generated sales are splitted between the merchandiser and his affiliates the percentage or a specific amount of money that gets the affiliate is known in advance so it's a pretty fair deal like in any other kind of business in affiliate marketing a huge part depends on the strategies of advertising promoting and selling there's more and more competition every day for an affiliate marketer has to be creative enough to employ unique and effective ways to turn the potential buyer into a customer of the product or service offered compared to traditional advertising practices affiliate programs are more effective risk free and cost-efficient but why does a great number of people that are trying to succeed in affiliate marketing still fail well there can be a lot of reasons for that the most common is lack of hard work affiliate marketing is a business just like any other and there's a lot of competition let's go through five most common reasons why people fail in affiliate marketing first is advertising the most critical aspect in this business is advertising and this is where most people fail now when it comes to advertising you can choose paid advertising for free advertising whatever your choice is if done wrong you will fail and if it just paid advertising you will also lose money even though it can get lucky you can just rely on it affiliate marketing isn't just simple directing customers to the merchant's website if you want to earn full time income which you probably do you have to invest time and a great amount of hard work to promote the products as I've already mentioned in affiliate marketing does a lot of competition and the potential customers will always choose the best offer for themselves from all the offers the potential customers get they want to pay less and get the most in terms of quantity and quality the second is preparation another reason why someone fails in affiliate marketing whether it's a merchandiser or an affiliate lies in the lack of preparation a huge part of preparation is the research the merchant has to be highly selective when choosing the affiliate websites for his affiliate program in order to succeed he has to make a list of highly interested affiliate websites that surely pic to his products and/or services the affiliate sites visitors must be a perfect match to his targeted customers and an affiliate must research the affiliate programs that are most likely to convert their visitors into customers the affiliate marketer has to ensure that the merchants products or services go hand-in-hand with their website content the second thing on the affiliate marketers must do list is testing the product you are about to promote if the product does not deliver you cannot expect any kind of profit by the product see if it's worth your money and if your answer is yes go with it not only you have more inside info of the product you are about to promote you will be sure that the product is going to convert well if the product is not worth your time and money claim a refund and find another product to promote you can get valuable information by joining affiliate forms compare different affiliate products and read articles on affiliate marketing where you can get tips from experience affiliate marketers on how to choose the best merchants and products with high conversion rates one of the best affiliate marketing forums is the warrior forum it is free to join you can find the link to it in the description box below the third thing is the affiliate marketers domaining careful selection of a domain name is crucial in the Philippine success the reason why many affiliate sites do not appear in the results of search engines is because they make fear as personal websites the most major search engines and directories affiliate website appear as transitional and therefore they won't list it in their directory here I have to mention that one page website such as squeeze pages or landing pages won't ever appear on the top of the search of any search engine the reason is simple search engines like to see a lot of regular updated content so before you make a decision of the name of your domain name you have to know what you're going to promote many affiliate marketers fail because they don't choose the right names for their website so even when they advertise the exact product people are searching for through the search engine or directory those people might think that the website is not relevant and they won't enter the affiliate website the fourth is the affiliate marketers website the appearance of a website is extremely important as an affiliate marketer you have to plan everything the affiliate domain name the design and layout of the affiliate website the content on the affiliate website and the advertisements placed on the affiliate website first impression is extremely important if the web users won't like what they see at the first glance they won't read through the content even if your site has a lot to say and offer affiliate websites with rich content are usually more likely to succeed good and regularly updated content will attract more Internet users to your website this kind of flow to an affiliate website is called traffic you have probably heard the same content is the king well websites with high quality content and relevant keywords combined with the right information that online users are searching for allow you the affiliate marketer to literally earn the big bucks even when you're asleep but if you're unable to sustain the interest of your website visitors you won't be able to lead them to the merchant's website and no click thurs means no possible sales meaning no commission for you fifth is affiliate marketing constant education an affiliate marketer must be willing to gain more knowledge there are still a lot of things to learn and the ways of how affiliate marketing works change every now and then keeping up with the flow of new and better techniques and strategies to improve your affiliate marketing business must be one of the top things on your to-do list a great number of people that fail in the fill it marketing are the ones who are unwilling to grow in this business and are focused on earning easy cash as quick as they can now this is not a national lottery unfortunately affiliate marketing isn't a game nor a get-rich-quick sheen to succeed in affiliate marketing take time to learn the ins and outs of the business this is the only way for affiliate marketing to bring you a long-term highly satisfying results continuous improvement of your knowledge is one of the most important parts in the filling don't try to skip the basics it just won't work webpage development programming advertising and search engine optimization these are all extremely important parts of affiliate marketing it is also very important to study the needs and desires of your website user as it is important than knowledge of how different merchandisers compete with each other make a promise to yourself that you will not stop trying if your first attempts don't pay off you have to know that most gurus that you might admire now failed when they first tried to make a book online but they didn't give up they just changed their waist learn some more and try it again thousands if not hundreds of thousands are drawn into phillip marketing with a wish of generating sky high income and they just sign up any mostly high paying affiliate program without any knowledge about this business and as they see that they didn't earned us with the books they joined another affiliate program and try there unfortunately that's not the way it works if affiliate marketing was that simple wouldn't everyone be doing it affiliate marketing is a skill everyone can learn the skill but you have to be willing to learn and put your knowledge into action no one is going to do the work for you and don't expect to get rich quick if you set yourself a go for example you want to earn one thousand dollars per month one year from now there's more chance that you'll earn two thousand dollars per month and this time then if you set yourself a goal to earn five thousand dollars in the next three months you can take advantage of philip marketing for your long-term current income in the next video I'm going to tell you what does it take to be an affiliate marketer the qualities and characteristics of a good affiliate marketer and the misconception of affiliate marketing until then I'm tuffsy heart and I'm here for your success