Groove Affiliate Program | How Much Does It Pay? | Review and Bonuses

Hi, it's Johan here,
In this video, I'm going to   talk about the Groove Affiliate Program which 
is an exciting opportunity from  The Groove affiliate program is a high-paying 
affiliate program where you get compensation for   promoting Groove's digital products and tools.
Anybody that registers for a Groove account,   free or paid, is qualified to be a Groove 
affiliate, and you earn money when somebody   you referred pays or upgrades for any type 
of a lifetime or monthly Groove account.  And that's not all…
The Groove Affiliate   program is a two tire program, which means 
you will get commissions on two levels On Tier one, you will get 40% recurring 
commissions if you have a paid account or 20%   recurring commissions if you have a free account.
On Tier two, you will get 10% recurring   commissions if you have a paid account or 5% 
recurring commissions if you have a free account.  This is a NO brainer, and here 
is what you should do right now.  1 ) Sign up for a free account
2) Make your own affiliate web page in Groove.  3) Send your affiliate link to people that would 
like to have a free web and funnel builder.  4) Bring in sales, and collect your commissions.
And don't forget to check out the bonuses you'll   get when you sign up on this page.
But don't take just my words for it  Listen to what Todd Gross has to 
say about affiliate marketing.

Hello, I am so glad you are here.
Be sure to pay careful attention   to this entire message.
And, did you know that it   is actually possible to make a full-time income 
online, through selling other people's products?  And yet, I'm not talking about making a 
small commission here but more like 30,   50 sometimes even as much as 75% 
commissions when you make a sale.  Yes, that is right.

And of 
course, you can do it all   without even leaving your home through 
this amazing new opportunity provided   by affiliate marketing.
Now think about that for a minute.  Being able to sell things without having 
to stock or fulfill them yourself.  We make it easy, just bring in a 
sale and collect your commission.  Check this out, simply click the 
link on this page to learn more. So, I am back.
What do you think, is Todd spot on when   it comes to affiliate marketing, yes or yes?
And, do you recognize this guy? It is Mike   Filsaime the founder and CEO of Groove dot c m.
Right now you can sign up for a free account   and if his lifetime deal is still available I 
recommend you invest in that before it is gone.  So, click the link below and 
sign up for your free account.

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