hey guys i'm doing this video today for all those
people out there wondering if they should buy an affiliate marketing course or not and the answer
is no not right now anyway now i do promote one affiliate marketing course on my channel and
that's a course that's tailored towards amazon because amazon is its own animal and if you want
amazon to be your main affiliate partner then yes get the course but if not watch this video because
when i first got started in the blogging game i did not have a lot of money so i had to be
really toys about the things that i could buy when it came to affiliate marketing i did
not feel that i needed to buy a course because a lot of the answers were already out
there for free and that's how i've been able to make six figures with affiliate marketing for the
last three years without ever taking a course now have i ever got an affiliate marketing course yes
but i just did that recently and i'm always trying to continuously learn so that's why i'm doing
that and i actually can afford it now so that's why i'm doing it and i got debbie gardner's ebook
i know i'm always talking about debbie gardner but she's like my blogging mentor and she created this
ebook called 73 secret hacks to earn more money with affiliate marketing so i bought that and it
is really good so i do see value in buying courses and ebooks but i know everyone cannot afford a
course right now so if you can't this video is for you on how to learn affiliate marketing for
free so first thing i did was look at the people who were boasting about how much they were making
in affiliate marketing what i would do is i would go to their websites and read their articles to
see how they were referring different products and services just to understand their strategy
the answers are already out there for free for us to see it for example i would google how i
make money using affiliate marketing and just to see what comes up in the search results so for
example you see this guy right here he's saying how i make money with affiliate marketing and he
makes a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year so i'm going to click on this article because i
want to learn from him see what he's talking about and just scrolling down this article right here i
see it's you can see how long it is and it's just value-packed look they have all these different
affiliate programs and the commission rate for each so this is an awesome article right
here and he even shows you all the ways that different people are making money with affiliate
marketing so see you didn't pay a dime and now you know all the different ways to make money through
affiliate marketing by doing a quick google search another thing that i did was listen to podcasts i
remember listening to michelle schroeder gartner and she was a very successful or she has a
very successful affiliate marketing course and i never took her course but she gives
out some really good information for free she is the reason that i learned about pretty
links which really has been a game changer for me pretty links is a wordpress plugin and the way
it works is when you get involved in affiliate marketing you're going to learn that you're you
are given some very ugly links that look really scammy now pretty links it makes your links look
a lot better let me show you guys a quick example all right so we're going to use raccoon for an
example and this just see right here i've made over four thousand dollars with this program it's
a one that anyone can join so i highly recommend if you're starting out definitely join racquetin
because it's just one of the easiest ones to refer because i use it myself and i love it and that's
why i always promote it all right but what i'm gonna do is see this is my referral link right
here what i want to do is to make this look a little bit better so i want to go ahead and
copy this link and i want to go to my website and then i'm going to go to pretty links
right here and then go to add new and what i'm doing is just trying to make this link
look better so i'm going to call this racquetin and then i'm going to put my url right
here i'm going to go ahead and paste that and then i'm going to make it look prettier and
just say racketin so this is how the this link is now going to look it's going to say my website
name slash and whatever i want to call it but i'm going to call it wreckating so go ahead and update
it and now i can use this link wherever i want so i can go ahead right here and copy this to
my clipboard and then i'm going to show you how this works i'm just going to go to a new tab and
paste it so it looks like trying to mom jobs.com racketon if i press enter it will automatically
take me to rocketing so this is a way that you can they say like cloak your links just to make them
making them look a little bit better the other good thing about this plugin is that companies
change their affiliate networks all the time for different reasons which is really annoying for us
creators because that means wherever you use that affiliate link you now need to go back and update
it because you will no longer earn a commission if someone clicks on it and makes a purchase
and i promote a lot of the same affiliate products throughout my videos blog articles and
social media so if i have an affiliate link that changed that would mean that i would have to go
all those different places and update that link but with pretty links you don't have to do that i
can easily update the link in wordpress with just a click of a button and it will update every place
that i use that link immediately with the new link now i think this is such a valuable tip
that i learned for free from a podcast so if someone has an affiliate marketing course
see where they've been featured because they give out a lot of good information for free so you can
eventually buy their course next thing i would do is look at my competitors so i would see who
is writing the same kind of content that i'm writing or that i want to write about and i'd
look through their blog articles to see what affiliate partners they're promoting to see if
it's a company that i want to promote as well now one way to know if it's an affiliate
link or not is to look in the lower left hand corner to see what link comes up when you
hover over it let me give you an example so this is an article of mine so if we just hover
over right here you can see that's hyperlink in the lower left hand corner you can see that
it has like a different looking spammy kind of url that's how you can automatically know that
that's an affiliate link because it should just say convertkit.com if it's just directing them to
their site if i don't have my special unique link so this is how i go about to see if different
website owners are using affiliate links or not because you can automatically tell if they are
doing it by just looking at the url so for example if i just scroll down and hover over facebook
you see it takes you right down to facebook.com and that's their url so you know that i have no
special relationship with facebook and i'm just talking about them organically so learn from
your competitors about different products and services that you can promote if you don't know
who your competitors are just do a quick google search for what you want to write about and every
site that pops up in the search results those are your competitors and you guys always want to make
sure that you are disclosing that you are using affiliate links whether you are using them in
your blog articles this is how i do it here email this is how i do it here youtube videos this
is how i do it here and last but not least i'm going to put a shameless plug out there and tell
you guys to just look at my video i just did for affiliate marketing for beginners because i just
watched that video again yesterday and i'm like man this video is really good i give out a lot of
good information always for free for you guys now it's about different free traffic sources that
you can use affiliate marketing to make money and i actually show you how to do it and most
importantly i show you guys how to not use your social security number which is really important
so you can head to that video right now because i think this one was enough to show you why you
do not need to buy an affiliate marketing course right now anyway all right if you guys are still
watching this video please please comment and say i made it in the comment section below just so
i know that someone actually stays to the end of my videos alright thank you guys i love you
guys and thanks for watching have a great day