hey guys in today's video i'm going to show you
step by step how to use affiliate marketing for beginners in 2022 now i've been making six
figures every year for the last three years all from affiliate marketing and it is my
absolute favorite way to make money online now i'm not going to make it seem like i'm a
dummy or anything but i honestly feel like if i can do it anybody can so in today's video we are
going to talk about what affiliate marketing is the different ways you can make money
with affiliate marketing because most people don't actually show you how to do
it but i'm going to show you how to do it and a little known tip that can help you avoid
giving your social security number away because when you sign up for different affiliate programs
they're going to ask you for your social security number for tax purposes and if you're anything
like me i do not feel comfortable giving anyone my social security number so i'm going to show
you how to avoid that at the end of this video so make sure you guys stay tuned so the first
question is what is affiliate marketing now in a nutshell for even having an understanding of why
it even exists it's so companies can make money now businesses they create different products or
services but now they actually need to sell it and the internet is so crowded with so many different
products they offer people like you and me a percentage of the sale or any referral fee and we
can get people to buy their products or services so it's like you're a salesperson this has to be
done online so the company can actually track and make sure that that customer's purchase came from
you recommending it let me give you an example of a way you could use it so say for example you
like the way this video looks and you say hey whit what kind of camera are you using before i
actually tell you that it's a canon 90d i'm going to see if they have an affiliate program so when i
tell you what kind of camera i use i'm just going to give you my referral link and say hey i use
this one so if you end up making a purchase i get to earn a percentage of that sale it is a total
win-win i get to help you and i get paid for it now let me show you how i will find out
if canon actually has an affiliate program and how i would go about applying for it now
there are only two ways i use when i'm trying to find out if a company has an affiliate program the
first thing i would do is i would put canon plus affiliate program and it should be at
least in the top two search results so you see right here canon affiliate program
i'll click right on that to see what is their affiliate program and if i could apply for it
or i would just go to their website canon.com and then i would scroll all the way to the bottom
to see if they have an affiliate program and their footer links and i see right here that they do so
i'll just go ahead and click on that so those are the two ways i would go about doing that and then
right here you can just see what's all involved in their affiliate program just to give you an idea
what's involved and this is where you can apply now i see that they are part of a huge affiliate
network cj affiliate publisher so what i would do is go to apply now and i'm going to show you guys
how to do this i already have an account with cj publishing so i'm going to go ahead and just log
in now i have a couple of products in here that i do promote but if i want to sign up to canon's
program i'm going to go over here to advertisers and then i'm going to put in canon to search for
their company and click that right there go to search now this is canon's program right here i
can read the details here and i can just go ahead right here and apply to their program now keep in
mind i already have an account so i have put in my information about my website how i get traffic
to my website and all that information so this is something you're going to need to do on your own
put in your own personal information but once you just read through this right here you can go ahead
and accept and apply and they will get back to you on whether you are accepted into their program
or not now i'm going to tell you guys that i have been denied by canon like two years ago when i
did apply so i'm going to show you how i was able to get around that and how i did it was by using
amazon because amazon accepts everyone and i love the amazon affiliate program except when they
slash their commission rates to almost nothing but i still use amazon because almost everyone
uses amazon all the time to make purchases because if you're a prime member you'll get your stuff
in like a day or two or now it's like overnight so it's really cool so i know that even
though they have cut their commission rates i still want to make at least some money so i'm
going to still use the amazon affiliate program because most people are going to use amazon when
they make a purchase and i want to get a referral fee from that so let me show you how i would do
it before i show you how i'm going to actually get my affiliate link through amazon i did a whole
entire video that talks about the amazon affiliate program i highly recommend you guys check that
out first just to have an understanding of what i'm doing so i'm going to quickly show you how i'm
going to do this and it'll make more sense if you watch that video first all right so what i'm going
to do first is i want to just put in canon 90d and i'm gonna look for a camera that has good
reviews and this one is really good right here so i'll probably click on this one and this is what i
have called site stripe to get my affiliate links now i've talked about that in that video so i
highly recommend you guys check that out but basically all i have to do is now that this is
the camera that i use and this is the one that i want to give to you if you want to know what kind
of camera i use i'm just going to go here to text and get my affiliate link and that's it so if i
want to copy and paste this i'm going to give this to you or whoever's asking on what kind of camera
i'm having and if they use that link and purchase that camera within 24 hours i'm going to get a
commission on that sale and why i always talk about why i love the amazon affiliate program is
because if anyone adds anything else to their cart that's not related to a camera i get a commission
on all those purchases too you know it's really cool using the amazon affiliate program so i
highly recommend using amazon as a great way to make money through affiliate marketing now i'm
going to share with you guys that in the beginning when i was applying for different affiliate
programs i did get denied a lot but i just use that as motivation i responded to those rejection
emails and i asked them why so i could find out what i needed to do to get accepted into their
programs so i can have more ways to make money through affiliate marketing here's another way to
consider by using social media even if you have a small following so what i recommend you do first
is think about yourself what are some things you'd like to do for example if you're a stay-at-home
mom and you're with the kids all day why not document that if you're comfortable using social
media using platforms like tick tock facebook instagram and even youtube to show your mom packs
or just mom life and promote the different things that you have without seeming salesy like i bought
my son this little thing right here for christmas and it was honestly one of his favorite christmas
gifts so if you had something like this you could just post a picture of your kid and say oh my gosh
my kid loved this this was his favorite christmas gift you know you want to only say stuff that's
true because you want to build trust with your viewers now the trick is you don't ever want to
actually mention what the toy is or the name of it because you want people to ask you oh
what is that or where did you get it from and when they do you can say hey yeah a couple of
people have asked me i just added the link to my profile if you want to just go ahead and check
it out and that way you can drive them to your link tree which i want to show you in a second how
you can do if you use instagram or tick tock and this is a way that you can get credit through your
affiliate links if you have a small following and you don't have those swipe up features let me show
you really quickly all right some other link tree log in alright so this is my link tree right
here and what i want to do is actually just go ahead and put that toy in here so just for the
purpose of this video i'm going to just add this link right here but it could be any link that you
choose so i want to go to link tree and then i'm going to change the title to my son's favorite
christmas gift and then i'm going to put the url right here i'm going to copy and paste that
and you can see that it's going to appear right here so anybody can just go ahead and click
on this so if anybody clicks on that it's going to take them directly to the toy that i'm promoting
or that i was saying that my son loves so much if they click on that and make a purchase i earn
a commission from that and you can update this and change out these links all the time so this is
definitely where you can use social media even if you have a small following on how to use
affiliate marketing now another way to use affiliate marketing is through youtube now i know
everyone does not want to start a youtube channel but i'm going to at least show you how it
works so you have an understanding and an idea to see maybe if this is something you want to do
and then i'm going to show you where that does not include showing your face and it's how i make the
most money okay now with youtube now even if you don't know what to start a channel on i recommend
just doing some research on things that you like and see if you can find a question that you can
answer through your video so it can rank in the search results on youtube youtube is the second
most used search engine and people are always using youtube as a way to search for things that
they are looking for this may not make a lot of sense right now but i'm going to show you an
example because i've done videos on instacart door dash amazon flex and i have never done any
of those jobs i just interview others that did and i share all the details from that interview to
help new drivers out now i say that in the video so i'm being honest that i've never actually done
this before but those videos have done very well for example if you look in the search results for
amazon flex driver review you're going to find my video same as instacart shopper review now i don't
know how long these videos are going to actually last in the search results but i'm going to ride
this wave as long as i can and if they drop in the search results i'm just going to do another
video on these because these are making me a great amount of money because i am stuck in the search
results and because people are always looking up different things on youtube i'm always getting
views to my videos and i'm always making money because i offer different products and services
in my videos and i also make money through ads so i'm just getting this thing rolling on autopilot
and i still have a small following now let me give you an example on how you can do this if you don't
know what kind of channel you want to do but you just want to get started now you can start out by
just seeing if there are any how-to type of videos that you could do because usually when you're
doing how to videos there are steps involved and if a step is involved where you need to buy
something that is a great affiliate opportunity because that person needs to buy something to
get to the next step and since they're using your video as an instruction on how to do it they're
probably just going to click on your referral link click on the product that you're recommending they
need for the next step make that purchase and then you know move along to go to finish whatever
the how-to video is about so let me show you an example all right so when you're just doing
research you can just go right here and go to how to and youtube is gonna suggest auto suggest
things that are very popular right now going in the search results so they're gonna try and finish
your question before you even get done typing so you can see it says things like how to draw how to
get the foundation skin for okay stuff different stuff but what i would do is i would just start
by just doing research by doing how to a and just put in the letter a i'm going to read through
here to see if there are any type of videos that i want to do that might be a good affiliate
opportunity now i did a little research before i prepared for this video and i found that when i
was going to how to and i just put in the letter j i found how to journal and i use this tool
that i'm going to put in the description below that shows me the monthly search volume for these
questions every single month and you can see that it's 14 800 people search for how to journal every
single month so i think this is a good affiliate opportunity so let me go to how to journal now i
also use this tool that lets me know if a channel like mine can actually rank for something like
this so for example i'm going to go down here and go to click for weighted because i want to see
can i actually rank in the search results for this and let's see what it says it says pour so it
says that the search volume is really good but the competition is poor so i should not do a
video on this but it also gives me some other related searches that i could probably rank for so
i want to click on how to journal for self growth and let's see what the score gives me and they're
saying it's excellent so they're saying that it's an excellent search volume and the competition
is very good so probably a channel like mine can rank for this and when you see a hundred out of
a hundred that is very good so i would probably do a video on how to journal for self growth and
what i would do i would actually buy a journal i would do all my research on journaling
just to familiarize myself with journaling and i'll do a great value pack video on how to
journal for self growth and then i would post it on youtube and in the video i would mention
how great of a journal it is that i'm using and all just the pros and why it's so great
and on that i'll put in the description below if you want to use the same one that i have so
if anyone clicks on your recommended journal and purchases it you're going to make money off
of that sale but you want to make sure it's a really great journal and you want to actually
help the person you know see affiliate marketing can it could be good or bad now there are some
people here just trying to make a quick book but i really care about my viewers and i only want
to promote products and services that have worked for me personally or for people that i know
has worked for them i build trust in all my videos so the person watching can feel confident
that they are making the right decision making a purchase based off of my recommendation now this
is how i make money on autopilot by getting stuck in the search results and having people watch
my videos all the time alright next i'm going to show you my favorite way to make money through
affiliate marketing that doesn't require showing your face at all and then i'm going to show you
how to avoid using your social security number okay so the way that i make the most money
through affiliate marketing is from my blog so just how i use the youtube search results
i do the same thing for google i find out what questions people are searching for on google and
i use this tool to see if i could actually rank for these different questions that people are
asking for i then write an article answering their question in a way that i know will rank on
google now for time's sake i just did a video on how i would start a blog in 2022 that will show
you exactly how i make money through my website so i highly recommend just checking that out
for my strategy and how i was able to build a six-figure business through affiliate marketing
and how you can do the same my blog has completely changed my life and like i said if i can do this
with no experience never understanding how to even create a website or go through a course so can
you okay now to the part and how to avoid using your social security number this is only for u.s
citizens i'm sorry for all of those who do not live in the us i'm not sure what those policies
are for where you live i can only speak to the us because this is where i live and this is what i've
been able to do okay so i want to go to irs.gov and then i'm going to go down to
apply for employee id number ein and just you guys know this is only opened from
monday to friday 7am to 10pm eastern standard time but basically all you have to do is you just go to
apply online now they are going to auto populate you your own unique ein number so whenever you
are filling out affiliate program and they ask for your social security number you're going to
just give your ein number the government gave you so just so you guys know this is going to
be a safe way to just use you do not have to put in your personal information by
giving your social security number away when you are filling out several affiliate
applications now i could go on and on about affiliate marketing but i think this is good
enough to get you started as a beginner so do you guys have any questions let me know in the comment
section below i am happy to answer them and if you want to see how i will build a website today in
2022 and turn it into a six-figure website go ahead and watch that video right now and i think
it's a great video for you to fully understand how i'm able to do it and how you can too alright
thanks for watching guys have a great day