in this video today i want to show you how to make as much as
300 to 800 per day with one of the easiest affiliate marketing strategies for beginners at this affiliate marketing strategy the best part is you don't need any kind of websites plus if you don't have money no investment it's perfect as you don't need any money to start with also if you're a beginner and all this is new to you you'll absolutely love it as it's so easy to set up you have less than need an hour to set it up as a complete beginner so you can start seeing affiliate commissions in your account to help you do all this I'm going to show you some brand new tools that I've never had before not talked about that will help you make this affiliate assignments online so whatever you do don't skip this video as you need all the pieces puzzle to make sure you can put it all together as your new with my channel smart money is tactics is sure that j y the subscriber hit button so you don't miss any of my upcoming videos if you like this video make sure you crush it like button in appreciation like I will have another giveaway on this video so stay till the end until get all the instructions on how you can be the next winner guys i want you to look at this article here is an article on a website that says how to lose weight fast three simple steps and i want you to look at this look if you scroll down here you're going to find all these ads in this article okay if you scroll down you're going to find all these ads Imagine you could have one of your own little ads that are going to appear here absolutely free when someone's is read this article and if someone clicks on it and buys your product you're going to make money online with affiliate marketing how do you get one of your ads to appear on this article absolutely free that's exactly what I'm going to teach you on this video i s this a super powerful strategy it's absolutely free guys and you can do it within an hour in any niche with affiliate marketing but before I show you how to use this article and how to get your own small pop up here I want show you how to get an offer that you can promote now with affiliate marketing strategy guys just wanted to break this video real quick guys to let you know at the end of this video I will announce yesterday's paypal giveaway winner so don't miss it, but if you want to enter the next paypal giveaway all you need to do is go under right away and comment let me know do you want to see more paid affiliate marketing strategies or do you want to see more free traffic affiliate marketing strategies guys and I'll pick a winner and I'll let you know who that winner is on the next video, but if you want to get a hundred dollars all you have to do is smash that button guys if we get a thousand likes on this video I'll do a 100 PayPal otherwise gift it will be 50 guys so make sure you crush it like button go under and comment let 's continue the video you can do it with digistore24 do it with you can come here and you can do it with fighter plus you can use jvzoo you can basically use any affiliate marketing platform as a complete beginner to make money online with this strategy use only the one available in your country for the purposes of this video I'm going to use clickbank and I want to show how to earn money with clickbank use this strategy guys and for those of you who don't know clickbank has a plethora of offers guys in different niches here you can make money affiliate marketing guys ihet never talked about this strategy guys it's super powerful and you can literally making hundreds of
dollars because people are putting these articles up and they're putting these different ads on these articles in specific places for a reason and I'm going to j guy shows how to do the same so when you come here guys what you want to do is you want to choose a niche and as you saw the
article or the website that I showed you as an example on this video here this here is in the weight loss niche so what you want to do one of these platforms is to find a product in that niche so if you come here and you click on to help them fitness for example you're going to find all these different products in this niche, so if you come here you can obviously sort it by gravity and then that's what you want to do you want to come here and you want to find a product to promote so if we come here guys all you want to do is down to browse and find one to promote it really doesn't matter too much but potentially maybe you want to look at something where someone can lose weight so if you come here let's say you wanted to promote this product here called research it's a hundred and sixteen dollars so you will come here guys and click single fold focus on promoting to grab this hop link here so you can get over here and you would copy it from there guys once you find a
product that you want to promote what you want to do from there is you want to this site come here I've never talked about it but what it does is it adds a call to action on any website that you decide to promote and I'm going to give you a full walkthrough right now and show you how to to do then I will show you how to run free traffic so you can earn money online with affiliate marketing even if you are a complete beginner and if you are short on time so what this site does guys like you can see it basically lets you then to get a popup that's going to appear on this site but it's going to look like an ad where you can do a call to action and you can get it to fly in, it can zoom in you can leave it fade and i will show you how to set it up and the best thing about this site guys they have a sup er generous free plan where you don't even have to sign up as you can see here guys what you want to do if you work on this page here what you want to achieve here and you want to click to create a
link once you click to to create a link it's going to take you to this page here now as you can see here link url to shorten this is where you want to put the url of the website so what you want to do you want to come to this website here guys you want to copy this url here and from there what you want to do is come back to this page and you want to paste this url in here from here you just want to click continue now once you do that to give you a whole heap options and make sure you pay close attention because I will show you how to set it up so it looks pretty neat and so you can make really good money with this affiliate marketing method so from here guys you can see here that you want this link give a name and you can call it something like lose weight or best weight loss option byvo orbeeld okay and then when you come here guys you can see here that you have a
pop-up type and what you want to do here if you click on this menu here it's going to take you over to here you can do it as a pop- upbanner you can do as a product popup you can play with this and see which one works best for you okay because it's free you can create as many as you want and you can test it in different ways niches and you can test it with different free traffic sources for the purposes of this video guys i'm just going to do it with a simple pop up here now if you decide to upgrade your plan with these guys it's not that expensive you can actually the domain name change but it 's not the use not that popular and people are going to see it and it's fine the way it pops up doesn't matter too much because you're going to be providing value anyway with this so it can stay as it is now if you come here guys you want to uncheck it because you are not real not providing any type of adult content it's all on board and you're offering value so you can freely check this box and then from there what you want to do is come over here and you want to click next step now click once on the next step it's going to take you to the second step and here's guys where you want to post here under a heading as you can see I've used a few different ones here and you can basically choose like this something fastest way to lose weight okay you can leave it in the headline and then you can do an example text here so you can just put something like
click here and look at this great product or something like this line well just hang down what you're promoting and what niche you're in you can leave the pop-up with and all these guys you can play with this you'll see what it's going to look like and then you basically have here the pop-up place the reason why i like to use a top right account i like to use the center or so something I like to use on the top right because when you look at one of these different websites or any website that you're looking at you're always going to notice that these different ads or these banner ads appear on the right side here so it's not going to get in the way okay, since you can see all these things on the
right so look at what site you're going to use as an example and see where all their ads are because you want it to come here in this area so it
's not getting in the way of what they are go read well so if you come here i'm going to leave it on the top right and then i'm going to leave it here delay you have other options left here you can scroll i'm going to delay leave and then you'll be able to choose when you want to leave it appears so you can leave it at zero seconds means it's going to be there automatically and I'll show you what it looks like or what you can do is just let it appear after three seconds or say just one second or one and ' n half seconds and the reason why it goes ed is to let it pop up is because they initially open that site it will automatically be there and it's not going to draw their attention to it, while you 're
browsing and something appears in the corner of your eye going to draw your attention to it and you're more likely to go click it so I'm going to do it with a one second delay so you can see exactly what I mean now you can come here guys and you have got these options that you can use to fade you can use zoom in what you can do move it move in it rotate in etc I'm just going to fade and show you exactly what it looks like and we've faded it in one second too so it's not going to come in for one second and when it does it's going to fade and it's going to take one second so you can see exactly what we've created when you come here guys all you have to do is come here and pull here for example click here to access for example this okay and this is where you go stick that click bank or any affiliate marketing platform that you use any product that you use here is where you're going to paste that url so if you come back to clickbank I'm just showing you again we use research here click on to promote you get this affiliate offer here you generate again that hop place you come here and you copy it that's what you're going to paste there so you keep it to a minimum you come back here guys and you're going to paste it there once you paste it there you can now scroll down here it is what I like about these guys you can create different types of animations with this I'm going to leave it on the note for the moment but you could if you wanted and you could add different pictures and things I'll show you in a second like you come here you can also add a picture to this so when you come here what you can do if you go any one of these different products on clickbank guys if you go over to their affiliate page over like this research affiliate page if you here many click on this from d the time you'll find is if you come here and enter in your details you can get otherwise you know pictures otherwise pictures on one of these products in one of these different affiliate networks guys but for the purposes of this video you can also blank leave okay this is exactly what we're going to do we're not going to post an image and what we're going to do if you're left here you can actually look at this example before you go to the next one so if I click preview here I want you to watch the top right corner here because it's go to pop up so look I'm going to hit preview and what's going to happen if you can see it appeared here fastest way to lose weight click here and look at this great product and then click here to access that okay that's what people are going to see on that site so if you're happy with that you can go to the next step but what you can do you can close it you can go here come and you make change you can vera the color nder if you want okay so if you don't like this color you can come here and you can choose red as an example and then you can come back over t and you can preview it and as you can see when it pops up you can now see it's red it looks a little better maybe it falls on a little more and once you're happy with what you've got you've come here guys and you click up to next step now click once on the next step it's going to bring you here you can do some overlays if you want okay guys you can add background effects if you want it's up to you I like to leave it nice and standard and then you can come over here and click on now generate a link once you click on
generate a link guys it's going to ask you to pay because they have different options what you need to do guys is come here select no thanks and show me link because it's absolutely free and we haven't even logged in yet we haven't even created an account yet it well okay you can if you want but you don't have to you can create a free
account but the beauty of this site you don't even have to do it what you can do from here is just left and click on no thank you show me link so you can click on that and now this is your link this is the link that you can go promote on different platforms absolutely free and I want to show you how you can do it to make money with affiliate marketing now you can come here you can simply click preview but I copied it to show how it works too so you click preview now take a look at this it just loads website now and then this website loads people are going to come here they are going to scroll down and as you can see it's going to pop up here in the corner guys and as you can see it doesn't look out of place and when people read this it's going to be here just like an ad and it's going to be the fastest way to say
lose weight as you can see it now fits right into this web rf if you can obviously see that I didn't save that red color if I wanted to save it but it doesn't matter now anyone who comes and clicks on this what's going to happen it's going to take them straight to this research product where they can go here come on if someone buys you can see my clickbank affiliate id here i'm going to make money with affiliate marketing guys this is a super super powerful strategy okay now from here what you want to do do you want to promote that link now you should be able to this link is promoted in many different ways guys if you are
going to promote it absolutely free then you have to go with the traditional old methods that I talked about before and one of them is of course to come over to weight loss groups on facebook but the way you are going to do this are you going to share this link in
different facebook groups and you are going to say that you found this great site it has fantastic ways to lose weight for example can you say i have this healthy found the article on how to lose weight three simple steps based on science check out this link here is going to take you directly to the site now if you post it on a group and you are specific about what you are share people are going to click on that link okay and it's going to take them to this site but what's going to happen once I click on that site I click on this link it's going to show them this link here they're going to say that's fine it 's absolutely legal they're going to start scrolling and within seconds it's going to fade, it's going to get their attention and if someone clicks on one purchase you're going to earn money online so facebook is a super powerful way for you to do it because they have weight loss guys, they have other for you know otherwise groups you can join here when it comes to weight loss and fitness where you can go promote this link another way to do these guys is of course through good old quora and again what you want to do is to to look for people looking for ways to lose weight and basically you're not going to tell them that you have a link, okay, so if you come over and type in ways to lose weight okay and what you want to do is you want offers a lot of value stuff so you come here ways to lose weight best ways to lose weight and if you come here and you choose one of these so how can I lose weight without dieting for example which is pretty good because you have to not really dieting with this product it's something you can drink come over you can answer it and basically say you found a
great site so if you come here for us to answer it what's going to happen if I come here if I would type something come about uni files to enter this link you're going to see that the link is in
there and all you have to do is submit it but look at this what quora does automatically is that it's going to change here it's going to look how to lose weight fast three simple steps based on we tenship, okay so you move down here you type again for example and that's what people are going to see as soon as I click on this link like I said it's going to take them here it's going to fade out and you can make money online with affiliate marketing guys are there other ways to do it i talked about this side here called tribe very similar to korra you can create your own tribe you can follow people people follow you back in this niche no matter the nation you are going to do this you can see how powerful it is will it work really well with affiliate marketing guys it will work really well obviously in the weight loss niche and many other niches you have again on a clickbank you can also come here guys you can use other social media sites like twitter also can use sell many different websites to promote it so you can start making money online with affiliate marketing so that was my video for today guys and another fantastic way you can start affiliate marketing as a v crappy newbie no money no website and start crushing absolutely crushed out before I announce the winner if you want to enter the next giveaway like I said earlier guys scroll
down and comment let me know do you want to see paid or free affiliate marketing strategies I pick a winner and you can win a
hundred dollars guys as long as we get a thousand likes on this video so smash that like button in appreciation otherwise you stand a chance to win fifty dollars now if you can see you name here among guys congratulations fifty dollars is coming your way thank you so much for like share and comment on my videos now before you go guys make sure you watch one of these videos here an even better way you can make a lot of money online guys thank you so much for watching another one of my videos I'm coming from smart money tactics guys take care of yourselves and bye