hi friends welcome back to another awesome video
so friends today in this video i will be showing you a particular cpu offer or an athlete program
which is paying you five dollar per signup and not only for setup they will also pay you for
sale commission so if you want to know more about that offer and that offer is very very much
interesting so to know more all you have to do is simply follow with this video but before that
let me recommend you one of the best proxy server which is uh sockscore.com here you will get the
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and can do your work like cp marketing craig list and service and all that so in that case this
software or this service is wonderful all you have to do is simply come at escort.com by following
the link which is given in the description and then you will be able to simply see the pricing
which are very very affordable so you have to purchase its plan and you have to install this in
your system now how to install for this you can just follow up with the video which i will share
in the i button now coming back to the video you have to search on google gizmo okay just make sure
that your spelling is correct gized mojo all right gizmo so you have to search and you will come on
gizmogoogle.com now what type of website it is and and how we can earn money with this for develop
website first of all you have to understand this only so as you can see the safe and simple way
to sell electronics so as you can see by the headline you will be able to understand that uh
here uh one can sell the electronic items like a mobile laptop tablet cpu iphone and all that
okay so uh you may have heard about olx which is very very famous in india so similar to this
it is a gizmo which is also very very popular so let us see the traffic of similar web just wait a
second as you can see the traffic is more than 41 000.20 okay it is good and it is good enough
uh so you can easily believe on this website all right now here one can just simply sell his
or her electronic items as you can see we buy new as well as used electronics which means that
here on this platform you will get a new new electronics also as well as secondhand which
means use electronics okay so in both the case uh you will get commission just don't worry all
you have to do is simply you have to join the affiliate program of kizmobo and then you have to
pick the links to promote to your audience i mean this it has broad audience i mean it has broad
audience it is just amazing all you have to do is simply join its affiliate program but wait my dear
friends before this you have to understand this website in a more better way so like for example
if i am a customer and if i follow your affiliate link and for example if you have promoted me in
these types of electronics for example this imac and now if i am a customer and i want to buy this
imac so first of all it will ask me that capacity 4gb uh okay let me and processor and it will ask
the condition do you want to buy the brand new imac or like like new one a good one or a damaged
condition so i think if if i want to buy some use electrons i can go with like new and is the apple
id signed out yes or no so you can say yes it should be signed out so you can see the pricing
which is only and only 210 which is very very affordable because because it is used imac okay so
are you understanding what i'm explaining to you okay so you have to just a customer will apply
the filter and paste on the filter gizmo will show the price of the particular item so in this
way this website works and uh as you can see below attention we do not accept um products that have
been reported lost or stolen which means that they will sell legal products it means you can easily
trust on this website so now let me come back to this website which is amazing so i think that you
have understood this website the working system of this website which means that uh here you will
get some used and brand new electronics but i am not telling you to buy what i am telling you is
just to simply join the affiliate program of this gizmo website so that you can pick its affiliate
link and start promoting it to the audience okay you can promote to any kind of audience no
matter because it has broadens everyone wants to buy iphone imac and all that and hence in
this case it would be very very easy for you to promote and earn from this athlete program for
this you have to simply come to your share sale dashboard and then you have to simply go in the
search for merchants part so you have to simply search for this offer which is kismogo and then
press go all right now here you will get as you can see you are going to get paid a five dollar
per lead and along with this 10 person person which means that if someone follows you every link
and simply purchase any of the products over here you're going to get 10 of it so as you can
see iphone it is iphone 10 which is available uh just various images available at 284 dollar
so the 10 percent of it is 28 almost so in this case you will get 28 dollar commission okay and in
the iphone 11 you will get 45 commission so it is also paying you a good sale commission now coming
on the signup commission which is lead commission as you can see in the commission rates and default
rates lead commission 5 which simply means that if someone follows your affiliate link and simply
does a free sign up or a lead so for that lead for that sign up you're going to get five dollar
commission and i think it is the easiest or easiest way to earn money online through affiliate
marketing because here in this case you only need to promote this particular platform with this
which is gizmo okay it is a marketplace where one can just sell or buy any any types or any
type of views electronics okay so in this way you can easily earn money online with the help of
affiliate marketing uh with the help of this gizmo athlete program so the very first thing that you
have to do is simply you have to follow the link which is given in the description of share a seal
if you haven't get approved on yourself so first of all you have to get approved on share sale
by following the link given in the description and then you have to search for this gizmo offer
and you can read the terms and conditions over here before promoting it okay over here merchant
description you have to read this and ppc keyword rules you also have to read this okay and after
this you have to simply join this program as an athlete so take this so here in this box you can
you can write marketing plans and strategies off of your website uh how you are going to promote
the guest mogul athlete you can describe all all these things over here in this box so once
you have get approved from this gizmo go after it you are done to promote this offer and make money
online okay now let me tell you the best platform to promote these kinds of offers iscora because
as you can see over here you can easily promote such kind of offer such kind of used
electronics or products over over quorum and if you have a website that's great you
can promote also on your website or you if you have budget you can run paid campaigns okay
like you can get paid campaigns on instagram facebook and all that so it is up to you which
method you use to promote such kind of offer but let me tell you my dear friend that this
offer is very very good for you because the best part about this offer is that it is it has broad
audience okay it doesn't have a narrow audience where you need to promote like email marketing
as you it has a very broad audience i mean you can promote to anybody anybody okay because
everyone wants to purchase these kinds of products at an affordable cost so here in this case
it is a win-win chance for you to earn money online with the help of gizmo go flat for this
you have to join share seal and then join this particular program and then you have to join this
particular program which is gizmo so in this video this much only i hope you like the video if you
like the video then make sure you subscribe to this channel and also press the bell icon for
all notifications right in your inbox thank you you