$300/Day Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Without A Website | Full Step-By-Step Tutorial For Beginners

in this video I will show you the easiest and fastest way to start making at least three hundred dollars per day completely passive income stream using Pinterest affiliate marketing and this is a full step-by-step tutorial for beginners and I will show you the fastest way to go from zero to three hundred dollars per day on Pinterest and also I will show you exactly how to start affiliate marketing on Pinterest the right way or completely free and the best part about it it doesn't require any Tech skills or experience and its available worldwide and I will also show you two different ways to drive thousands and thousands of targeted free traffic to your affiliate links using Pinterest for free and on top of that at the end of this video I will reveal a secret unknown method that no one else is talking about which will make you 10 times more money and it's making me at least five hundred dollars per day on complete autopilot after sitting this up once and it will take you only only 15 minutes maximum to set it up and it requires zero investment and 100 for free so stick with me till the end of this video to not miss out on any important step but before we dive into the method make sure to smash the like button and hit subscribe to not miss out on any upcoming powerful videos alright now let's get started alright here is a quick overview of what I'm gonna be showing you in this video number one I'm gonna show you the best type of affiliate products to promote on Pinterest and number two I will show you a free app to use to create an eye care tin Pin images number three I will show you how to make money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing without a website or blog and number four I will show you how to double or even triple your affiliate commissions by sending emails that you don't even have to create yourself and number five I will show you how to get thousands and thousands of targeted free traffic from Pinterest to your affiliate links but before we get started let me show you why Pinterest is so so powerful to use with affiliate marketing when I say search engine most of you will think of Google but what most people don't know is that Pinterest is a search engine as well and it's a visual search engine which means that when people search for something on Pinterest Pinterest will show them visual results like images and videos and if you take a look at this report here it says that there is 445 million active users on Pinterest per month and this is one of the best opportunities to use to grow your business alright now let's get started so step number one I want you to go to digistore24.com and we will use this platform to pick an affiliate product to promote on Pinterest now you can also use ClickBank or any other network but I'm going to be using digistore24 in this video because it's available worldwide so I want you to create a free account if you don't have one already and after you log in this is how the dashboard will look like now I want you to click on Marketplace and that will take you to this page here now I want you to take a look at this report here it says that as of the beginning of 2022 more than 75 percent of Pinterest users base were women especially moms so we will select a product related to their audience so I want you to go back to digistore24 and search for this specific product here baby sleep miracle and I will tell you why later on so just click on your affiliate link here and copy it and save it in a notepad alright for step number two I want you to go to canva.com and we will use canva to create an eye-catching Pin images using their high quality ready-made designs so just create a free account if you don't have one already by clicking on this button here and after you log in this is how the dashboard will look like now I want you to type in this box here Pinterest pin and select this option and that will take you to this page here where we can select one of these eye-catching ready-made designs now now for this video I will create a Pinterest pin from scratch so I will click on this plus icon here and that will take me to this page here where we can create our pen so first I want you to click on this text button here and then add a heading and then I'm going to move it there and we'll make it bigger like this now I want you to type in something compelling something to entice people to click on your link and to do that I want you to go back to digistore24 and open the sales page of this product by clicking on this button here and from there we will take a quick look at the sales page and try to come up with a good title and as you can see here it says weird trick gets any baby to sleep so they basically talk about how to get any baby to sleep all night without crying so I will go back to canva and I will type here how to get your baby to sleep all night and this text here is so big so I'm going to make it smaller by clicking this button here like this and then I want you to add a baby image so I want you to click on elements and then in this box here I want you to search for a baby and then click on photos here and canva will give you so many different images to choose from so I will select this one here and I'm just going to click on it to edit here and then I will move it here and I will make it bigger like this now at the bottom here I want you to add another text so click on text again and then select add a heading and add it there and then I will type something like this without crying and then I will move it here and now we just created our pin now you can spend a bit more time creating a good looking one and you can also use different colors and you can also use different fonts and you can also add effects to the text like this basically you have so many different options to use to create an eye-catching pin image so just spin some time to create a good one and once you're done I want you to click on share here and then click on download and save it to your computer now let's move on to the next step so for step number three I want you to go to getresponse.com and we will use this website to build a quick and simple landing page to collect other people email addresses and then we will send them to our affiliate product and the reason why we do this is because Pinterest hate affiliate links and they don't promote Pin images that contain affiliate links and by linking to a landing page Pinterest will like that and it will promote our Pin images to a lot more people and that will keep our account safe and won't get banned so that's the reason why we will build a quick landing page using get response and they also have a free autoresponder which we will use to send automated emails now I will tell you why we need to collect their emails take a look here at this report it says that each email subscriber is worth one dollar per month so if you have a list of 10 000 subscribers you can easily make at least ten thousand dollars per month just by sending emails to your subscribers and that's how powerful email marketing is so just go back to get response and sign up for a free account by clicking on this button here and once you log in this is how the dashboard will look like now I want you to click on contacts here and then I want you to click on create a list and then give it a name so I will type in baby sleep miracle and then click on Create and then I want you to hover over these three dots here and click on settings and then click on subscription and I want you to make sure that these two options are turned off and then scroll down and click on Save subscription settings and after that I want you to click on tools here and then click on landing pages and then click on create landing page and then get response will give us all of these ready-made templates to choose from but in this video we will create a landing page from scratch so I want you to click on Show templates here and then select this specific template and then it will ask you to select a name for your landing page so so I'm going to type in something like this baby sleep miracle and then click on next step and after that it will take you to this page here where we will be able to customize it and once it loads I want you to delete this element here and this one as well because we don't need them here and then I'm going to move that up here and then I want you to type in something similar to what we typed in in our pen image so I'm going to type in something like this this weird trick can get any baby to sleep and then I'm going to press enter button here now I want you to change this text color to black or red or whatever color you prefer so I'm going to select Black by clicking on this button here and select black like this and then click on OK and then I want you to make this text bigger so I'm going to highlight the whole text and click on this button here to make it bigger like this and then I want you to enter an image of a baby so I want you to click on this image icon here and drag and drop in here and then I want you to click on this element here and move it down like this and then I will make this image bigger like this now I want you to go to google.com and search for baby and select this images option here and then download a good looking one so I will select this one here and then right click on it and save it to my computer and then go back to get response and then click on replace and then click on add files and then click on this link here and upload the image that you just downloaded I've already done that and uploaded this image so just click on use and it will be added and then I will change this text here to something like this enter your email below to get instant access and then I want you to delete this box here because we don't need it we only need their email address and then I'm going to move it here like this and then I want you to double click on this button here to change its text so I'm going to type in something like this yes give me instant access and then I will resize it like this and that's it we just created our landing page now I want you to click on next step and it will take you to your landing page settings now you just need to change a couple of these settings here so I want you to scroll down and for this landing page URL settings I want you to change it to something related to the product that you're promoting so I'm going to type in something like this and then scroll down a little bit and click on this box and change it to the list that we created earlier and for the thank you page here I want you to select custom thank you page and then this box here will show up now I want you to open your notepad and copy your affiliate link and paste it here and then click on publish and it will take you to this page here now I want you to copy this landing page link and save it in a nudepad and if we open this landing page in a new window it will look something like this now whenever someone comes to this page and enter their email address they will be redirected to our affiliate offer where we will make 19 for every sale that we make and not only that we will also have their email address and we will send them automated emails to get even a lot more sales and that's how we are gonna double or even triple our sales because most people won't buy this product right away so we have to send them automated emails to remind them about our affiliate product which will result in getting more sales and more affiliate commissions now let's move on to the next step so step number four is to create an email sequence but don't worry I will show you an easy way to get a high converting professionally written emails without writing them yourself now I want you to go back to digistore24 and click on this link here that says affiliate support page and it will take you to this page here now as you can see this page here has all of these different resources to use to help you to promote this product easily and that's why I recommended you to choose this specific product earlier in the video now I want you to click on email marketing here and it will take you to this page and here we have all of these high converting emails to use and we can copy and paste these emails and add them to our autoresponder so I want you to go back to get response and click on tools and click on autoresponders and then click on Create autoresponder and then it will ask you to give it a name so I will enter baby sleep miracle and then for this option here that says linked list I want you to select the list that we created earlier and next for this section here that says autoresponder settings it says here on Day Zero same time as a sign up time and that means that as soon as someone enters their email address on our landing page get response will instantly send them this email that we are about to create so just leave this option as it is and then scroll down a little bit and for this box here we will need to enter the subject line of our email so I want you to go back to this page and copy this subject line go back to get response and paste it here and then scroll down and click on design message and it will take you to this page here now you can select one of these templates but we will create an email from scratch so I want you to click on blank templates and select this blank template and it will take you to this page here now I want you to click on this logo element here and click on these options to delete this element because we don't need it and then click on this plus icon here and drag and drop this text element here now I want you to go back to this page and copy the email and paste it here and then you just need to enter your affiliate link because if you don't you won't get credit for any affiliate commissions that come through your emails so I'm going to highlight this text here and click on this icon here then open the notepad copy your affiliate link and paste it here and then click on insert and once you're done click on next and it will take you to this page page here so just scroll down and click on this button to publish your first email and then it will take you to your autoresponder page and as you can see your first email is on Day Zero now I want you to go back to this page and add all of these emails to your autoresponder so just go back to get response and click on day one and do the same thing just change the autoresponder name and copy and paste the emails from this page and add them to your autoresponder and once you're done click on Save and publish now day one here means that this email will be automatically sent to your email subscribers after 24 hours of this email and it's the same for Day 2 3 4 5 and so on all right so after you create a couple of eye-catching pins and created your landing page and set up the email sequence it's time to move on to step number five so I want you to go to pinterest.com and click this button here to sign up for a free account if you don't have one already alright so I just created a new Pinterest account and this is how your account will look like now I want you to click on this Arrow here and click on this option that says convert to business and then it will ask you to upgrade to a free business account so just click on upgrade and then it will ask you to build your profile and the profile name box here I want you to enter a general keyword related to the product that you are promoting so I will name it baby sleep miracle and then for this box here that says do you have website just click on yes and then open your notepad copy your landing page link and paste it here and after that select your country and your preferred language and click on next and then it's going to ask you what the focus of your brand is so I'm going to click here and select education and then for this section here that says what your goals are I'm going to select sell more products Drive traffic to your site and grow brand awareness and after that click on next and then it's going to ask you to describe your business so I'm just going to select blogger and click on next and then it's going to ask you would you ever be interested in running ads on Pinterest just select any option and click next and after that it will take you to this page here where it's going to ask you where to start so just click on this x button here and that will take you to the business Hub now I want you to click on this button here to go to your profile and then you will need to upload an image to your profile and a background image so I want you to go back to canva.com and in this box here I want you to search for logo and select this option here and then canva will show you the ready-made designs and you can select one of these templates and edit it but I'm just going to create a quick one here from scratch so just click on create a blank logo and it will take you to this page and then click on elements and in this box search for baby and I will select this one here for example and I'm going to resize it like that now this looks fine for me so I'm just gonna download it like this so just click this share button here click download and save it to your computer and then go back to pinterest.com and then click on this Arrow here and click on settings and then click on change and then click on choose photo and select the logo that we downloaded and upload it to your Pinterest account and after that we need to upload a background image so I'm just gonna upload the image that we downloaded earlier from Google so I want you to click on this plus icon here and then click on browse and select the image that you downloaded alright now our page is ready it's time to start uploading some content to start getting some free traffic from Pinterest so first of all I want you to click on this button here and click on board to create a new Pinterest board and then we will need to give it a name so I'm going to name it new mom and baby tips and then click on create now our board is created now I want you to click on this button here that says create and then click on create pin and then click on this button here and select the pin that we created earlier and then you will need to add a title so I'm going to add something like this discover this weird trick to get any baby to sleep and then for this box here you want to add as many related keywords as possible so that Pinterest knows what this pin is about so I want you to go back to this page again and select PPC and then copy some of these keywords here and go back to Pinterest and paste them here in this description box and then for this box I want you to copy and paste your landing page link here and then click on this box and select the board that we just created and then click on publish now I want you to add as many Pin images as possible to this board and I recommend you to post at least five pins per day to this board and the more high quality and eye-catching pins you post the more targeted free traffic you will get from Pinterest which will result in a lot more sales and affiliate commissions now that was the first way to get targeted free traffic from Pinterest now I'm going to show you an even better and more powerful way to get thousands and thousands of targeted free traffic to your link using Pinterest but before that I want to show you this specific account here this account gets almost 300 000 monthly views and all what they do is they post videos they didn't even create they basically go to tick tock and they download other people's videos and they re-upload it to their account and that's exactly what we're gonna do to get thousands of free traffic to your links so I want you to go to ticktock.com and search for a keyword related to the product that you're promoting so for example I searched for baby care and as you can see here many of these videos are getting hundreds of thousands and sometimes even millions of views so I want you to select one of these popular videos here for example this one and then I want you to click on this button here to copy the link and save it in a notepad and then I want you to copy the name of the account or the user who published this video and add this ad sign because we will give them credit once we re-upload their video on our Pinterest profile and then I want you to go to this website here ssstick.io and we will use this website to download Tick Tock videos without this Watermark here so I'm going to paste the video link here and then click on download and then click on download without Watermark and it will be downloaded to your computer without this Tick Tock Watermark here now I want you to go back to Pinterest and click on this button here that says create and then select create idea pin and then click on this icon here to upload The Tick Tock video that we just downloaded and that will take you to this page now you just need to do the same as we did earlier just enter title here and enter your landing page link here and select the board that we created earlier and then for this box just search for baby care and that's it you don't need to do anything else so once you're done just click on publish and it will be posted on your Pinterest profile now I want you to open that post and then copy the username of the original Creator on Tick Tock and paste it here to give them credit and that's it now I want you to do this for at least five times a day and by doing this Pinterest will promote your pins and videos to a lot more people on its platform and that way you will start getting thousands and thousands of targeted free traffic to your links and remember the more engaging and high quality pins and videos you post on Pinterest the more people will see your link which will result in more sales and affiliate commissions now here is the bonus gift that I promised you earlier in the video first of all I want you to click on the first link in the description and it will take you to a secret unknown method that no one else is talking about which will make you 10 times more money and will make you at least five hundred dollars per day on complete autopilot after setting this up once and it will take you only 15 minutes maximum to set it up so go ahead now and click on the first link and that brings us to the end of this video thanks so much for watching and I will see you in the next

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