$250/Day Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest (2024) – Make Money on Pinterest WITHOUT a Website

hi there are you interested in making money with affiliate marketing i'm going to show you two different methods you can use to make 250 a day using affiliate links on pinterest completely for free without needing a website or a blog first let me answer the question that i bad is on your mind right now are affiliate links even allowed on pinterest yes but your account could get in trouble for posting too much spam content that is when you create a pinterest account only for the sake of posting affiliate links or when you don't add any affiliate disclosure to your pin descriptions so in this tutorial you will see how to post affiliate links on pinterest the right way without getting your account suspended now let's look at how you go about promoting something on pinterest step number one choose an affiliate product and get your affiliate link for that you will first need to join some of the largest affiliate networks with lots of products across different niches i'll just give you a few big names here impact share sale cg affiliates reward style flex offers and this is just a short list of the networks that i personally used i'll show you how things work in one of the networks for example in impact you can find products in all of these niches like apps art baby and kids education financial services home and garden and so on i'll just click here on the paths niche and you will see all of these brands then you can click apply and most of the brands will require you to get a little bit of information about your site or social media profiles and how you're going to promote their products once your application is approved to get the affiliate link in this network you just need to click on the product then create link and here is the url that you need to copy let's leave it here because we will need this link later on the next steps step number two you need to create a pinterest account if you don't have one yet and then create a pinterest board that is relevant to the product or niche you want to promote make sure your board title is short and specific use just the main focus keyword related to your product step number three create a pin image you can use a free graphic design tool like canva for example and create beautiful images and videos even if you're terrible at graphic design use my link anastasiablogger.comcanva to start a forever free account canva has a lot of pin templates just search for this keyword for example pinterest pin and you will find plenty of options canva has lots of templates for image pins of the recommended ratios of two to three or one to two you will see on the left side lots of filters that allow you to define the style of your pin you can choose from minimalist modern elegant style and so on you can also filter them by the theme like marketing business fashion and so on in the pin template you can customize basically everything change the text to the colors and the background photo if you wish and all you need for a pin is usually just an image and you get access to a large stock photo collection right here in canva you can create as many pins as you want with different images and text overlays and link them to one or several affiliate products personally i recommend you adding bold large text overlays always keep in mind that people will most likely see your pins on a mobile device so the text should be short and easy to read the next step is add the right keywords to your pin title and description so that your pin has a chance to be shown to a lot of people who are interested in the products you want to promote why is this so important because pinterest is a search engine kind of like google the only difference is that pinterest results are shown as images and short videos linked to various sites so if you want to sell a ketogenic meal plan for example your board title could be kit recipes or keto diet or cat a meal plan step number five is make sure to write a detailed product description trying to include as many related keywords as possible without making your text unreadable your pin description can be up to 500 words so don't skip it you shouldn't just add a long list of keywords separated by comments that would be spammy the text should be written first for people and second for search engine robots if you want to get a complete guide for starting a pinterest account from scratch and building it with pinterest seo in mind check out my pinterest course i'll give you a link up there and in the description below step number six now when you're using affiliate links you want to follow pinterest's full guidelines for affiliate marketers basically you need to keep in mind two things before you post affiliate links on pinterest one you should use them in moderation meaning that affiliate links shouldn't make up the majority of the pins you save to your profile and second in the pin description use a hashtag like partner link or affiliate link when you post your pins also keep in mind that some link shorteners may be blocked by pinterest so just create a test pin with a link and try to save it if you try a link to a blog domain the only thing that will happen is that you won't be able to publish that pin and you'll just see a warning something like this domain was blocked on pinterest but stay with me for the next method of doing affiliate marketing on pinterest because it can fix the problem of blocked links too if you want to check out the full guidelines for affiliate marketers the link in the description so this was one way of doing affiliate marketing on pinterest by adding direct affiliate links to your pins but as i mentioned you have to do it in moderation when you don't add an affiliate link directly to the pin you could send users to a blog post on your site or a landing page that gives them more information about the product you want to promote and then users would click from there to the affiliate links this way you are not limited to just one link per pin you can have multiple affiliate links in each blog post for example i have this post on my site with a review of the best online course platforms this post has multiple affiliate links but my opinion on pinterest doesn't have any affiliate links it goes to my blog post but what can you do if you don't have a website remember i promised you to give you this new bonus strategy so the beauty of this strategy is that it works for anyone who is just starting online it allows you to add links to the url shorteners and domains that might be blocked on pinterest and it works even if you don't have your website where you could create a blog post or a landing page what you can do instead is use this free koji app called shop the look it works the best for niches like fashion and home decor but it can also be adjusted and applied to some other niches you can simply change the name of the app so it doesn't imply anymore any look and then you could promote any other stuff so how does it work since you don't have your own website instead of it you can add in your pinterest profile settings your code link and inside your koji profile you can use shop the look free app and you'll be able to earn money from affiliate links by sharing a photo and tagging items within that photo using this free shop to look app you can upload an image tag products within the photo and then make these products available for fans and followers to purchase by adding any external url including affiliate links now koji sponsored this video but i also use their link on my instagram as a link in bio and if you go through my koji profile you will find this shop the look app that features a home decor photo with several tagged products each of these links goes to reward style reward style is a huge affiliate network that allows you to become an affiliate for lots of brands across many niches but i would say that you will mostly find products in fashion and home decor niches here and the best part of this approach is that multiple items can be sold within the same image making it easy for you to monetize and sell several things at once and you keep your pinterest account safe because you don't have to link lots of affiliate products directly to your pins and risk your account triggering any spam filters so instead of creating a website or paying for landing page builders as an affiliate marketer you could use koji as a solution to avoid any tag overwhelm and monthly fees you can literally start on your phone in just a few minutes to get your free account check my link in the description below you can choose your koji username it should be something that reflects the niche in which you think most of you the promoted products will fit and if you're not sure about the niche it's always a good idea just to use your name or some kind of made up word that people will easily remember just keep in mind that this username makes a part of your koji link that will be visible to everyone when you add it to your pinterest profile or as a link in the link in bio in your instagram account and if you have any other social media accounts i recommend you to give the links to them here at the bottom of your coaching page you can check some of the koji account styling options here i would just go through the available themes but if you want to spend a bit more time on it you can customize every element of your profile after you create your account and profile come back to this video and drop your koji link in the comments below i'd love to see what you guys are selling now let's add the shop the link app first click on them manage your account then you go to apps and links and click to browse koji app store you'll see here hundreds of apps designed for creator economy but right now we're looking for the app that works best for affiliate links so head over to the section called instant store fronts you will actually find here two apps shop the loop works best for fashion and home decor niches and if you want to adjust this app for other niches i recommend you just click here and change the name so that it shows as something different in your coaching profile for example if you are in weight loss niche and you want to promote a bunch of products you could create an image and put all these products on that image then tag each product using shop the look app i would just call the app in this case something like my top picks or anastasia's anastasia recommends see how it's easy to set up this app i click add then i click on start selling and i added an image that includes several of the products that i wanted to promote you can upload the image from your device or if you have it uploaded somewhere else you can just upload here the url of that page then you can choose the text style anything works but i like this one the best now you just need to click on the part of the photo where you have the first product you want to promote and you'll be asked to add a product title and description and the affiliate link in the field here this field paste url right here you can repeat the same process with several products on your photo now once you tagged all the products just click done here is an example of the result it's a shop to look app on my koji profile here i tagged home decor products and each link goes to reward style affiliate links and actually in the instant store fronts there is a second app called affiliate links and this one can work for any niche this app allows you to showcase your links in a feed of beautifully designed cards that give you a way to highlight your favorite products in the best light so there are many ways to go about affiliate marketing on pinterest if you're looking for a way to do it without a website definitely try koji it's free and you can easily set it on your phone if you want to learn more about growing on pinterest and my best strategies for this year click on the video up there and i'll see you in the next one

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